< 2012 Pedorthic Association of Canada Symposium:Footcare and Orthotics | Call for Speakers - OSC 2012 Clinical Conference >
  1. podchild Member

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    Dear all,

    Following on from a previous thread posted I am pleased to announce that the SCP London District Branch will be hosting a one-day conference on Friday 8th June 2012 at Park Crescent Conference Centre, 229 Great Portland St, Central London.

    This will be to celebrate the coming of the Olympics to London this summer.

    The theme will be Podiatric Sports Medicine and will include well-renowned speakers in the podiatry and sports medicine profession including;

    - Prof Mark Tagoe
    - Mr Trevor Prior
    - Dr Nat Padhiar

    There will be a vibrant trade exhibition present . Companies confirmed so far include Langer, Salts Techstep, Algeos, Firefly and Spectrum Technologies.

    Lunch and refreshments will be provided as well as a cheese and wine gathering post-conference. :drinks

    Cost will be £120 for LDB members and £150 for non-LDB members.

    There is a special offer '6 tickets for the price of 5' for SCP branches if quite a few members wish to book

    I have attached FYI a flyer for the event, provisional conference programme and application form.

    I would be grateful if you could forward this information onto your work/practice and branch colleagues as well as anyone else outside the podiatry profession whom this may interest e.g. sports physios, sports medicine physicians.

    Many thanks,

    Steven Childs – LDB CPD Coordinator

    Attached Files:

< 2012 Pedorthic Association of Canada Symposium:Footcare and Orthotics | Call for Speakers - OSC 2012 Clinical Conference >

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