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Low Level Laser and Fungal nails

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by Louisepodiatry, Feb 17, 2014.

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    We have just purchased an Omega Low Level Laser unit and Im keen to start trying it on fungal nails having had amazing treatment results with verrucae so far....:)

    I was just wondering if anyone else uses this Low Level Laser machine for the treatment of fungal nails and what energy density and PRR combinations you find work well? How many treatments do you find effective? How many points along each nail?

    Thank you!
  2. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. anthony watson

    anthony watson Active Member

    I am really interested in your use of the low level laser.
    I have done the Omega training a few years ago.

    I am thinking of using it on O/M nails.
    Could you let me have more info on how you are applying it (times and power)

    Have tried red lite on a young lady with large plantar heel VP seemed to help (psychological value?) or did it work?

    I did find LL laser very good on wound healing but seems not to be that common in use.

  4. Tim VS

    Tim VS Active Member

    There is no evidence currently but I believe some case studies are ongoing in the Uk. Why don't you contact Jessica at Omega if you have their unit. I am sure she would be happy to help.


  5. anthony watson

    anthony watson Active Member

    I remember Jessica from my training.
    will call her

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