< Calcitriol promotes proangiogenic molecules in keratinocytes in a diabetic foot ulcer | Verruca Pedis needling with IDDM >
  1. Catfoot Well-Known Member

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    I'm just writing up some of my CPD notes and came across this entry ;

    "Calcification in arteries is heard with a Doppler - 'marching soldiers' sound"

    I can't recall what this sounds like or if I have even heard it. Can anyone give any more info on this?

    I've googled "marching soldiers" and not found anything relevant.


  2. Johnpod Active Member

  3. Johnpod Active Member

    Bi-phasic sound.... one/two, one/two, left/right, left/right - the third arterial recoil sound goes missing.
  4. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Ah-ha ! Then I have heard it before (many times) - never knew it could be called that though.......interesting....
< Calcitriol promotes proangiogenic molecules in keratinocytes in a diabetic foot ulcer | Verruca Pedis needling with IDDM >

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