< Landed hard on ball of foot | Why ankle joint mobilization caused pain and soreness? >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Hello, I am new to the forums. I had bunion surgery last Wednesday. My doc also pushed the bone down and took off bone spurs. There is a one pin. I had my first post surgery appt. today and they gave me the medical boot. He said by 4 weeks, I should be able to walk 4 hours a day max with the boot.

    Well, that pin hurts. Not all the time, but when I turn my foot a certain way it hurts and I have the find a different position for it.

    I started on my boot today with my crutches. I can’t put...

    Medical boot after bunion surgery question

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< Landed hard on ball of foot | Why ankle joint mobilization caused pain and soreness? >

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