< Rheumatoid knowledge lacking! | Corn, Verruca or something else? >
  1. munky Welcome New Poster

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    Dear All,

    I wondered if anyone has come across this product which apparently is useful for peripheral Neuropathy? from what i can gather it is used a lot in the states and with some good outcomes, but wondered if anyone in the U.K. knows of any use here?
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Re: Metanx

    Its just a VitB supplement. VitB is is sometimes useful in some cases of diabetic neuropathy.
  3. munky Welcome New Poster

    Re: Metanx

    Thank you for your reply, I though it was a supplement, but did not know if there was any legalities to use/or advising use in the U.K. I'm guessing that as it just a vitamin B then there should be no problems. :)
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