< All course dates at The Movement & Running School | LBG Summer School 2017 >
  1. TheMovement&RunningSchool Welcome New Poster

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    The Movement & Running School are running a Movement Re-Patterning for Rehabilitation course on the 11th & 12th January at our Headquarters in Acton.

    This course will take you through a unique and functional approach to rehabilitation and will focus on re-educating movement patterns interrupted after injury, surgery or inactivity. You will learn a series of functional techniques that you can immediately use in your practice.

    This movement re-patterning methodology has been developed to educate the neuromuscular and proprioceptive systems, not only on how to move, but how fast to move thereby enhancing movement efficiency, movement performance and injury prevention.

    First, you will learn to analyse movement patterns using the DMS Functional Movement Analysis. This will teach you how to spot uncontrolled, inefficient and compensatory movement.

    You will then learn a series of techniques and exercises that are designed to correct the firing sequence within the CNS, correct the transition time within the CNS, develop motor control and improve overall functional movement. The movements are progressive from simple-to-advanced patterns and from low-level-to-high-level. You will learn and experience basic movement re-education to functional neuromuscular stimulation, to dynamic movement development.

    It is a very practical-based course with lots of physical participation in order that you can fully understand the correct technique and experience the physical effects of the movements.

    If you would like more information or would like to book onto the course, then call 0208 743 6047.
< All course dates at The Movement & Running School | LBG Summer School 2017 >

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