< Foot health status of sailors | Spring ligament rupture >
  1. GMaguire1993 Welcome New Poster

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    I have recently been shadowing a podiatrist who was carrying out some msk treatment on a p/t, the p/t complained about having some back pain and the podiatrist said it was a muscular issue. He then proceeded to do some mobilisations on the p/t's back.

    Are we allowed to carry out treatments on the back? Are we covered by this with socap?

  2. Griff Moderator

    I'd suggest anyone (no matter their profession) who dives into manual therapy on the spine with what sounds like a far too brief (absent?) history taking is potentially on thin ice
  3. GMaguire1993 Welcome New Poster

    He didn't actually do any work on the spine (he said he never would do any spinal work as it's out of his remit) but he was doing myofascial releases and mobilisations on the deltoids and QL respectively.

    He clearly knew what he was doing but I just wondered what the limitations were on this kind of thing...
  4. Griff Moderator

    Did he take a full history and exclude all other potential causes of back pain, including red flags?
  5. GMaguire1993 Welcome New Poster

    Yes he did, sorry i was a bit vague in my original post. He knew the patient well and had a full up to date history, he had ruled out other causes before treating the patient.
< Foot health status of sailors | Spring ligament rupture >

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