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    Preferably the ones relevant to podiatry...

    Here's mine.

    1. Develop more practical workshop type teaching material.

    2. Try to get back to writing for pod now monthly instead of bi monthly.

    3. Organise another live debate.
  2. a) Regain my enthusiasm for podiatry and my faith in other people to do what they say they are going to do and stop worrying when they don't.

    b) Finish those three papers on how foot orthoses work.

    c) Finish my project on rearfoot surface angulation and supination resistance and write it up.

    d) Do the mega-lab thing (as I'd originally planned it before the idea got bloated and bagged down)

    e) Finish my Kuwahara E.T. restoration.
  3. Griff Moderator

    (i) Get started on some research with a view to publication

    (ii) Get back in the routine of writing regular blogs

    (iii) Enrol on the Forensic Podiatry postgraduate course
  4. me - stop being such a grumpy bastard.

    Happy New year folks :drinks
  5. Don't do that Mike. The world needs more grumpy bastards.
  6. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Mine is to retire early from this midden we call a profession


    regards Catfoot
  7. timharmey Active Member

    Midden, thats a good word , will try and throw that in to a few conversations
  8. twirly Well-Known Member

    Happy New Year to all. :D

    My resolution is to stop swearing. :rolleyes:

    I seem to have developed Tourettes in recent years & it was spiralling out of control so I now have a VERY BIG TIN which has a list on the side with varying charges for different swear words. My favourite word will (& has) cost me a £1.00 a go!

    I keep remembering more & adding them to the list. I am not stupid enough to think I will never say swears again so I have retained 2 free words for special events.

    I did rather well yesterday (day 1) when I was swear free until I spilled a bottle of vegetable oil. Cost = £1.50 :bang:

    Total cost for yesterday was £8.75. Kept having to leap off the sofa to find swear money while watching tele last night. Said the £1.00 word & realised, got up for money & followed it with a 50p expletive!

    I do enjoy reading all my lovely swears on the tin though as that is free.

    I hope 2012 brings you all a happy & healthy year.
  9. What, retire?:confused:
  10. timharmey Active Member

    No, Midden , which is apparentley a dump for domestic waste
  11. blinda MVP

    Reasons to be cheerful, part 3.

    Soon as a I get back from Norway, I SHALL;
    • Finish, and submit for publication, the needling paper. NRES shall NOT beat me.
    • Graciously accept the kind and genuine support offered by my friends and colleagues when I need it.....and I DO need it.
    • Promise not to isolate myself in wallowing self-pity, henceforth.
    • Enrol for at least 2 of the dermy modules offered at Staffs uni.

    Whilst I do love my job, it has to take a back seat as the two most important things in my life are much closer to home; Jess `n Jack. They have been my anchor in a somewhat tumultuous 2011 and we`re looking forward to a (hopefully) less stormy 2012.

    Bel :drinks
  12. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    1. Make more time for fun and family

    2. Further develop the mobilisation training courses

    3. Organise the papers I am going to read better

    4. Travel for pleasure a bit more, even in the UK!
  13. twirly Well-Known Member

    Stubbed toe = 50p!
  14. Wendy Active Member

    Pod related resolution.....read Pod Arena more regularly:dizzy:
  15. Orthican Active Member

    1. Tell my wife of twenty years that I love her every day I wake.
    2. Make sure my oldest son gets in to college this year.
    3. Continue to read, learn, and be a more effective practitioner for my patients.
    4. Learn to live each day like it is my last.
  16. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    1. Try to do what I do do better
    2. Expand my interests, for instance by enrolling for that Masters in Medieval History (if I can afford it)!
    3. Actually meet in the flesh more of the subscribers to these pages
    4. Laugh more
    5. Listen to those who deserve to be listened to - even if I disagree with them and ignore those who do not deserve to be listened to - are you listening politicians, bankers, naysayers and all those who go in Twirly's tin?

    Bill Liggins
  17. I love 2!

    You're wrong about the penetration on the longbows though ;)
  18. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Oh no I'm not!
  19. Oh yes you are! (Thanks for playing:D:drinks)
  20. Phil Wells Active Member

    1. Stop putting up with crap!
    2. Set up Hyper lab - like Simon's mega lab but more hyper!
    3. Still try to believe that people are for the most part good and its only circumstances that mess this up!
    4. Create an orthotic co-operative - still working on this concept but I think it is the way forward!


  21. You don't even know what the mega-lab thing was, Wellsy. So how is yours going to be more hyper? ;) But me thinks you might be able to help out.... since "you have no love for the Empire" (a bit like Lando then) hmmm.
  22. Don't trust him! They arrived right before you did!
  23. Watched it on blu-ray yesterday- and yes I have seen the latest Peter Kay DVD, and yes I do want to be able to sit dow with Obi-wan and have him make me a cup of tea for me before I give any more money to George Lucas for some films he made decades ago. But- it is better in blu-ray :eek: I did watch something about holographic TV development over Christmas.... And no, animation is not the way forward George- lets have the clone wars in full 3D proper movie style. And lets have some films where Han and Leia have kids etc etc. Lets have the mis-adventures of Bobba...

    Note to self, extra resolution for 2012 and this is a big one (full 1080HD- see how clever I've been there?):

    a) Stop giving your ideas away for free to passing strangers and orthotic labs.
  24. They're releasing the prequels in 3d in 2012 in the cinemas, starting with Ep one in Feb. Is that any good to you? Personally, I'm all excited and schoolgirlish all over again.

    They should absolutely release some of the expanded universe stuff as films. The legacy of the force series of books is staggeringly well written. If you've not read them, you really should.
    His back story is as awesome as he is. He married you know...
  25. No, because it wasn't shot in 3D in the first place. Hence, the 3D bits will just be CGI add in. I saw the last Larry Spotter film in 3d, which has about 30 seconds where the 3d is really worthwhile- when ash falls down like snow. The rest didn't do it for me at all. I can upscale my blu-rays to 3d on my current visual set-up so I'll check 'em and let you know. I want total immersion, lawn-mower manesq. We should all be living in virtually reality by now anyway. Jeez, Neuromancer was written an aon ago. Mind, we were supposed to be living on the moon by now too- child of the 70's you know. Apollo 18 on blu ray t'night.

    I don't have time to read novels these days. I'm currently reading some Jeremy Clarkson car reviews- highly entertaining.
  26. "He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'... Incontinentia Buttocks" :drinks
  27. Not ideal, but its an excuse for me to see them on big screen again, and to take the kids for the star wars cinema experience! Good enough. And I'm hoping it will be on Imax!

    Been a long time since I saw empire on a big screen! Fingers crossed they take it all the way through!
  28. blinda MVP

    Hey Wendy!

    Good to see you stopping by. Hope the teaching stuff is working out. Must speak to you about possible locum work (if you`re interested) whilst I take some time off.

    Just arrived back from the land of open sandwiches and VERY, VERY expensive beer...£8.50 for a pint of Nuclear Brown:eek:

    Here we are, post piste ;)

    `Come to believe that I better not leave before I get my chance to ride.....In between the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow`http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuFI5KSPAt4
  29. Wendy Active Member

    How much......8.50!!!!!! Nearly as bad a having to get up this morning before the daylight!!!!!
  30. Do that around the 21st of Dec and you will get up a 10 ish and if you want to back to bed when the sun has set 3 pm that is a lot of sleep.
  31. blinda MVP

    Yup. Only saw the sun whilst at the top of the `mountain`. So shocked to see it I took a pic! Can see why Scandinavia has so many axe and whip wealding loonies due to sunlight deprivation ....or perhaps I`ve read too much Larsson and Mankell :wacko:

  32. That looks really rather fantastic.

    Jealous of Kent.
  33. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    This was the view from the end of our road on New Years Day. I am looking for a comparison with my house/view in Northampton back in 1990................ Rob

    Attached Files:

  34. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Well, I've heard of penis envy but that's ridiculous!

  35. twirly Well-Known Member

    Unlike R birthday boy Bill (many happy ones by the way) I have never envied anyone their appendage.

    However, I did mis read Robert's post aloud & after re-reading I took my £1 back out of the swears tin. :eek:
  36. timharmey Active Member

    Very good !
  37. RobinP Well-Known Member

    New Years Res

    Play more golf so that I can open some cans of Whuppass on Griff and Atholl when we eventually get round to a game

    Oh yeah... and be a better person, eat less pies, do some research etc etc
  38. Athol Thomson Active Member

    New years Res

    1. Find a nice new "flasher" coat like Robin P and wear it at every minute of the next biomechanics summer school

    2. Complete cycling study
  39. Tkemp Active Member

    1) When confronted by a difficult problem, resolve it more easily with the question, " how would the Lone Ranger handle this?"
    2) Remember Rome did not build an empire by having meetings. They did it by killing all those who opposed them.
    3) Make an effort to believe in customer service........ the tooth fairy, and father christmas ;)
  40. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Mine NEVER work, so I'm taking a different approach this year.

    1. gain 10 pounds
    2. drink more alcohol
    3. stop reading
    4. Play more X Box 360
    5. Spend more useless nonconstructive time online

    I think I can do these!!!!!!

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