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Reporting Foot Health Practitioners to the HCPC who are misusing protected titles (Podiatrist/ Chiro

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Lovefeet, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Lovefeet

    Lovefeet Banned

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    So the HCPC have shown that dealing with FHPs who are misusing protected titles is not such a high priority, especially when a FHP only provides a phone number.

    I suggest one way to ensure the HCPC act promptly, is to email the complaint to the HCPC but also cc The Minister of Justice. That way you would probably see a more positive action taken by the HCPC. In your email, explain to The Minister of Justice what the differences is between Podiatrists (statutory regulated) and Foot Health Practioners, etc (not statutory regulated), state what the role of the HCPC is and that by including The Minister of Justice in the email, there is a record that someone other than the HCPC is aware of the situation.

    You may also want to mention the below case (even though it involved a person impersonating a registered staff nurse) but it does highlight the fact that even when the NMC was contacted about the matter, they did not act. The Judge blasted the NMC for failing to act.....


    Ministers of Jusitce are the Rt Honary Chris Grayling (England) and Mr Kenny MacKaskill (Scotland), and possibly the RT Honary David Jones (Wales). Not sure for Northern Ireland.
  2. Let us know how you get on.

    You've not moved onto medicine yet then?
  3. Claire72

    Claire72 Active Member

    With regard to FHPs, I was looking amongst the threads for definitive scope of practice for both pods n FHPs, what the HCPC registration will cover, etc, and could only find a debate dating back to 2005; which discussed training of FHPs, erosion of the pod profession and plenty of other topics. Anyway - long story short, can someone point me to a more recent discussion (on role of pod vs FHPs) please.


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