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  1. LCG Active Member

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    I thought I would generate a bit of discussion regarding NIB's proposed Whitecoat web service that they are promoting to their members.

    For those who are unaware NIB is proposing a web service where members rate allied health service based on price (Service charge score) and an NIB customer satisfaction score. You can check the dialog here

    Essentially, Like it or not you will be graded and your report card will be available for all to see if you have treated a NIB customer in the last 12 months.

    In my opinion NIB have developed a stealth program that will have negative repercussions on our profession. I understand the Dental association is apposing the process. I would be interested to see what our association is doing in pressuring the NIB for answers.

    Your thoughts??
  2. MarkC78 Active Member

    I had a read through all the information after receiving their letter recently and sounds a lot like the governments My School Website.

    I found this paragraph interesting

    So as I read that, we cannot opt out at the moment but if enough noise is made that option may become available. This type of site is going to be the future though, people can already rate your business on sites like Trueloacal.com.au or write a review on Google Maps and give you a rating for example.
  3. Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    it will be interesting if the site will actually be legal, as the National Board advertising guidelines state

    a person must not advertise a regulated health
    service, or a business that provides a regulated health
    service, in a way that —
    uses testimonials or purported testimonials about the
    service or business.

    and the whitecoat FAQs states

    nib customers are also given the option of providing comments in addition to their score and can opt to allow them to be used by nib and related partners for marketing purposes, including publishing on whitecoat.com.au
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