< Sesamoiditis or not? | Blue/Red Fluid Filled Lump Adhered to Plantar Fascia?!? >
  1. Nilsen Active Member

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    hi all, some advice please.
    Male patient in his 30s, works on a concrete floor all day. normal weight, otherwise fit and healthy. Plantar Fasciitis diagnosed 7 years ago, he has tried hard foot orthoses, soft foot orthoses, acupuncture, cortisone, pressure therapy,rest ice elevation, herbal medicine and now he's been referred to his local NHS orthotist, and has very little faith that i'll be able to do anything.
    Now, i'm not sure of the original diagnosis-the pain is localised to "all over the foot", and the more i'm reading on this forum the more i'm convinced he doesn't have plantar fasciitis at all, but i'm no clearer as to what exactly is going on.
    he is waiting on a scan (he thinks MRI) but as he is on an NHS waiting list, there's no telling when that might happen.
    his opening gambit on the assessment was "i'm not trying another insole".
    we decided to put him in a castboot for 6 weeks to see if "rest" will alleviate his symptoms, while we wait for the scan.
    now, if the boot does alleviate his pain, what exactly have we shown, and where do we go from there?
  2. Hi,

    i'm afraid we are going to need more info on this one: when does he get the pain? what does the pain feel like? what triggers? what are the mechanics of the feet like? what is his neurovascular status? Is there heat, swelling, redness, trophic changes? etc. If your able to provide a little more info then I'm sure the arena could help:D

< Sesamoiditis or not? | Blue/Red Fluid Filled Lump Adhered to Plantar Fascia?!? >

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