< Talus Avulsion 2 Months | I don't think it's athlete's foot? >
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    I was playing basketball one day and the next day i woke up with a mild pain inside my foot/ankle. I play basketball really intense (6-7 days per...

  2. Perthpod Active Member

    I would definitely be seeing a podiatrist, not/or as well as a physio. Xray/ultrasound will probably be required to diag. A podiatrist would be a better choice as they are experienced in finding disorders such as talotarsal dislocation, cartilage tears, talar dome lesions etc. as they examine purely the foot and ankle all day. A pod will be better at a biomechanical/gait analysis, strapping and orthotic tx and footwear choice. Find a good sports pod. For now you can look up high Dye strapping - a rigid tape strapping to wear for walking and training, relative rest (as much rest as possible - sit out wherever possible and if pain after 3 min in training do not continue or compensate) and icing after training, heat therapy at night (wheat bag etc) , plus non steroidal antiinflam. from chemist (if chemist oks it for you).
< Talus Avulsion 2 Months | I don't think it's athlete's foot? >

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