< Guide to HbA1c: Diabetes.co.uk | Custom-made Footwear and Foot Ulcer Recurrence in Diabetes >
  1. alessandro costa Active Member

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    Hi everyone.
    Does anyone know if there are studies about passive manual mobilization of metatarsophalangea in diabetic feet with hammer or griffe toes and how it can reduce metatarsal load pressure reducing also the risk of ulceration of the foot.??
    Hope you understand my question
    Thank you Alessandro
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    No studies have been done on that.

    There was a couple of weak studies quite a few yrs ago on midfoot and rearfoot mobilization and the effect that had on limited joint mobility, but it never really caught on.
< Guide to HbA1c: Diabetes.co.uk | Custom-made Footwear and Foot Ulcer Recurrence in Diabetes >

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