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  1. *sole_man* Member

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    Hi, I have noticed a lot of people would rather get their fungal nail treatment from me during a consultation rather than getting loceryl from the GP. I am thinking of stocking phytex as it was recommended to me but am unsure how long to suggest using it for and there are no clues in the info leaflet provided. Can anybody help?? Thanks, James.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Why use any product that has no published evidence to support its use when there are so many products that have evidence?

    I am not familiar with Phytex (salicylic acid) for fungal nails, but from a quick Google search, its also being peddled for fungal skin infections, so seriously doubt its effectiveness for the nail at that strength.
  3. widdowson Welcome New Poster

    Have used phytex for last 5 years. I only use in non-matrix involved fungal infected nails. I tell patient to use twice a day for 10 days, then stop for one month, then repeat for 10 days and so on for at least 3 months (4 applications x 10 days).
    Get about 30 to 40% success rate.
    There is only 1.45% salicilic acid, so likely other ingredients are more important!
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