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  1. markleigh Active Member

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    I have a patient who is 16 weeks pregnant. She developed hypothyroidism during her first pregnancy some years back & foot pain at the time. These both resolved post pregnancy. She has again developed hypothyroidism & now has classic plantar fasciitis/'osis symptoms that have responded well to low-dye strapping. What is the connection between plantar fasciitis & hypothyroidism?
  2. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    I think there is more likely to be a relationship between her pregnancy and the foot symptoms, than between the foot symptoms and hypothyroidism.

    The main foot issues that I see from hypothyroidism is peripheral neuropathy. However I see a lot of pregnant women with fasciitis and similar enthesopathic foot pain.

  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    Musculoskeletal "aches" are not uncommon in hypothyroidism, but have not heard of it being related to plantar fasciitis - most likely a coincidence.
  4. markleigh Active Member

    Thanks for your rapid responses. The patients obstetric physician commented that joint/soft tissue soreness are common in hypothyroidism. I'll maybe research it a little more.
  5. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

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