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Plantar fasciitis is associated with functional limitation in older people

Discussion in 'Gerontology' started by Hylton Menz, May 25, 2005.

  1. Hylton Menz

    Hylton Menz Guest

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    Interesting paper in press with the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society:

    Foot Musculoskeletal Disorders, Pain, and Foot-Related Functional Limitation in Older Persons

    Fadi Badlissi, MD, MSc*, Julie E. Dunn, PhD, Carol L. Link, PhD, Julie J. Keysor, PhD, PT, John B. McKinlay, PhD, and David T. Felson, MD, MPH*

    Objectives: To examine whether common musculoskeletal disorders of feet are associated with pain and foot-related functional limitation. Design: A cross-sectional study using stratified random sampling. Setting: A residential community. Participants: Ethnically diverse sample of elderly persons (n=784). Measurements: Foot disorders (hallux valgus/bunion, pes planus (flat foot), pes cavus (high arch), hammertoe, mallet toe, claw toe, overlapping toes, bunionette, and plantar fasciitis), foot pain, the foot health functional status (FHFS, range 0100, 100=no problems) scale, and walk time score (range 04, 4=fastest). Results: Most commonly assessed musculoskeletal disorders, including hallux valgus and toe deformities, were not associated with pain or function limitation. Plantar fasciitis and, to a lesser extent, pes cavus were associated with worse FHFS scores; foot pain partially explained this association. Neither foot disorders nor foot pain were significantly associated with slower walk times. Conclusion: Many foot disorders had little relationship with foot pain or function and may not require clinical attention when asymptomatic. Risk factors and preventive and therapeutic interventions for plantar fasciitis require further longitudinal investigation.

    This is the second paper from the Feet First study - the first reported the prevalence of foot problems in a multi-ethnic sample in the US (link...).



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