< Forefoot numbness relieved only in shoes | Help in unusual case please >
  1. CamWhite Active Member

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    I was just contacted by a rep regarding a product called the "Supinator". I have reviewed the website, and despite the obvious hype, the product looks like it could have some merit. Almost like reusable kinesiotape. Here's a link to the product:


    I am on the fence about this product, but I would be interested in feedback. I also have no financial relationship with the supplier, and I do not stock the product as of this posting.
  2. Griff Moderator

    Looks a bit like a modified version of the Mueller Arch Support

    I personally have no experience with either of them
  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    If it is going to help plantar fasciitis, then it is going to have to lower the forces in the injured tissues. I can't see it doing that. I have my doubts about it changing anything - how can something like this resist the forces of bodyweight.
    The FDA will have issues with that sort of claim. I see no data to back it up.
  4. CamWhite Active Member


    The site's claims, at best, are "cheesy". I'm in complete agreement with you.

    But I am not talking about their claims, I'm just looking at the product. Based on the video, how do you think this product would work in conjunction with a custom or OTC orthosis, coupled with the right footwear, for an angry case of plantar fasciitis? Could it be beneficial?
  5. drjbg301 Welcome New Poster

    This is also amazingly similar to Fabrifoam's Pronation Spring Control device which I have used regularly for years and is a good product and works well.
< Forefoot numbness relieved only in shoes | Help in unusual case please >

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