< Risk of Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis Among Swimming Pool Employees | prosthetic nail >
  1. h-scott12 Welcome New Poster

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    Hello all,

    Looking for a bit of advice for those who have seen seed corns to this extent.

    Female presented in clinic with plantar 1-5 met heads extending to web spacing, lateral border and heels covered in seed corns. This resembled pitted keratolysis but corns.
    Looking for advice if anyone has used any methods to improve this, clients pain levels are under control. Female has thyroid issues and vit b12 deficiency and is a smoker.
    At appointment steps were taken towards reduction and enucleation of larger corns.

    Any tips greatly appreciated.
    Thank you
  2. h-scott12 Welcome New Poster

    Photos attached, full permission given from client to use photographs.

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  3. FancyClaps Welcome New Poster

    (Hi everyone)
    Have you tried a PodoSpray type drill with a fine ball bur? I find it works a treat.
    Best wishes,
  4. LeonW Active Member

    Enucleate what you can and as you do it again and again at every appointment, the severity reduces until pt is pain free and you are just doing maintenance.
  5. Greg Fyfe Active Member

    I'd follow a similar approach to others along the regular palliative reduction line.

    As an aside are "seed corns " an actual entity ? I'm inclined to suspect something like punctate keratoderma or something similar.

    This link provides some info' along with a dermatological approach to management.


  6. björn Active Member

    I have a patient with similar (if not worse) - The whole plantar surface of the foot covered (including parts of the arch, lateral column of foot). Patient about 40, and was a chronic wearer of Masur sandals!!

    I enucleate the larger ones, but there are so many, I can more or less treat them like HK. The patient attends as she needs, and they only get sore about every 6 months or so. The treatments after she got rid of the Masur sandals have gradually reduced in required frequency.
< Risk of Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis Among Swimming Pool Employees | prosthetic nail >

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