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Podiatrist ready to take the next step

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by Jason@Advanced Foot Care, Nov 14, 2016.

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    Advanced Foot Care is looking for an experienced Podiatrist that is ready to take the next step in their career! The position available will involve working with a high percentage caseload of biomechanics including complex biomechanics cases. The person we are looking for is enthusiastic, friendly, honest, flexible and motivated and wanting to develop their skills and move forward in their career. They will be joining our clinic in the beautiful coastal town of Hervey Bay, in beautiful Queensland just 300kms north of Brisbane (with direct QANTAS and Virgin flights to Sydney and Brisbane daily).
    Our clinics are fully equipped with video and computer gait analysis platforms, 3D scanner and a dedicated biomechanics room with our own internal orthotic milling system. Our clinics are supported with a great clinical and administration team also with our own footwear instore.
    This position would ideally suit a podiatrist with 2-3 year’s experience or more. You will be joining a team of 6 great podiatrists, working in excellent clinical facilities in a great location on the coast.
    We are offering excellent remuneration, incentives, reimbursements for continuing education and in house training to advance your skills and add to your professional repertoire.
    Applicants must hold a recognised qualification within the Podiatry profession, and be eligible for full registration with AHPRA.
    We are looking to start the position ASAP, to apply send your resume and cover letter to sondra@advancedfootcare.com.au
    website, www.advancedfootcare.com.au

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