< Podiatrist Wanted | Podiatrist for Hertfordshire/London >
  1. RobinP Well-Known Member

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    Dear All,

    Fancy a change? I have just started a new practice in the Isle of Man and am looking for a podiatrist to work in our team. We currently have 2 podiatrists doing evening and weekend clinics. These are starting to become full and we are looking to welcome someone in as part of our team to do daytime clinics.

    The clinics will be admin supported with practice pal as our practice management software. Our clinic is brand new in a very prominent location and as well as podiatry, we have a beauty therapist, orthotist, pilates instructor and lymphoedema specialists.

    The Isle of Man has a lot of tax benefits and is a great, safe place to bring up children. It is also a fantastic place to live if you like outdoor pursuits or if you are very into motorbikes, being the home of the TT races.

    If you wish to see a copy of the job advert, send me a PM with your e mail address and it will be emailed to you asap

    Many thanks

  2. javierdelgado Active Member

    Hello ,
    Iam a Spanish Podiatrist with 12 years of experience in my own clinic.
    I make nail and little bunions Surgery and Biomecanicsal treatments.
    I have been thinking about going out to work to have that experience, but I am afraid of losing my bussiness here without having the security of earning enough money outside.
    What do you offer?
    Thank you.
  3. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Position filled - Many thanks
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