< NHS DiabeticPodiatrist Post - Norfolk | podiatrist seeking work in Bedfordshire/Berkshire/ Hertfordshire/norfolk >
  1. DanCosgrove Member

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    I have been working in Podiatry recruitment for over 4 years, and have recently moved company.

    I have an excellent network of Podiatry clients and candidates, however am always looking for more.

    If you are a Podiatrist looking for work, or a client looking for a Podiatrist, then please email dan@ywrec.com or call on 0207 220 0811. All grades and experience are considered.
  2. Lilypad Member

    How are you finding the current climate? There seems to be a bit of a lull according to some people I speak with. In times of financial difficulty people tend to spend less on healthcare.
  3. DanCosgrove Member

    To be honest I have been out of the Podiatry recruitment industry for just over a year, so I am just getting a feel for the current climate myself.

    I have however been speaking with various old clients and candidates and have been getting a mixed reception really. A lot of the NHS contacts I've spoke with have said that their trusts don't currently have budget, which has been the case for a while, however I have picked up a couple of positions in the last few days.

    The healthcare market seems to be very up and down in cycles really, so I'd say it's a game of patience.

    If anyone else has any views on current market conditions within Podiatry this would be welcomed.
  4. Lilypad Member

    One of my main areas of work has just been granted further funding so we're continuing and my advertised work is picking up slightly, so the jobs are out there. It would, I imagine vary from area to area within the UK.
< NHS DiabeticPodiatrist Post - Norfolk | podiatrist seeking work in Bedfordshire/Berkshire/ Hertfordshire/norfolk >

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