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  1. alexander777 Welcome New Poster

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    I am a current student at the University of Arizona in Tempe. I want to become a podiatrist and am not sure what to declare as my major. I have chosen to remain undecided for the time being. However, I would like to know what you recommend to choose as my major. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  2. DrPod Active Member

    Any biology related discipline will serve you well.
  3. PMSII Member

    Are you at Arizona State in Tempe or the University of Arizona in Tucson? I agree with DrPod. Any bio major would be good. My advice would be to get as much biochemistry, anatomy, histology, physiology and microbiology as you can in undergrad. Because it will help you tremendously when in podiatric medical school. If it means only one class in one of those subjects, do it.
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