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Postgraduate Podiatry Programme

Discussion in 'New Zealand' started by vegetarm, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. vegetarm

    vegetarm Member

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    Will there ever be a postgraduate podiatric surgery programme in NZ? It seems silly that one can register to practice as a podiatric surgeon in NZ yet there is no pathway to attain this qualification. The school of Podiatry has a fully equipped surgical theatre however it is solely used for undergraduate studies. I am sure that most undergraduates would love to study further in the field of podiatric surgery.
  2. Tuckersm

    Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    That is the problem, they wouldn't. For a post grad program to be viable, you need at least 15 students enrolled in each subject with a continuing supply. Australia's largest podiatry school (LaTrobe) doesn't even offer a podiatry specific post grad degree.
  3. fereshteh

    fereshteh Welcome New Poster

    hi there
    How much money should I spend if I want to take this course?
  4. Tuckersm

    Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    You will need to spend the course fee, which may or may not be partly subsidised.

    Generally 3-5K per subject per semester, but check with the institution.

    On top of that there are some out of pockets for text books etc. plus a potential loss of income if classes are held during the day (there is often a mix, with some subjects offered in blocks)

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