< Does EBP and its pursuit have any drawbacks? | Forefoot supinatus with painful hallux limitus >
  1. PatrickL Welcome New Poster

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    Hallux Limitus

    Hi there,

    I wondered if anyone could help me.

    I am an undergraduate podiatrist (UK) and I am currently researching for my dissertation into the prevalence of hallux limitus / rigidus.

    I am finding it difficult to locate any papers on the prevalence of the condition.

    If any one knows of any papers or research which might be of help I would be very grateful.

    Kind Regards,

  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

    I do not know of any data on the prevalance of HL.
  3. Guest


    I haven't found any decent prevalence data on HL/HR per se, but a recent paper reported a 20% prevalence of Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2+ osteoarthritis in the 1st MPJ in 3436 people aged over 40 (link...).


< Does EBP and its pursuit have any drawbacks? | Forefoot supinatus with painful hallux limitus >

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