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Newbie looking to shadow

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by AMV, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. AMV

    AMV Welcome New Poster

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    Hi everyone!

    I've been reading these forums for a few months now and am considering going to university to study Podiatry. I would like to get the chance to shadow a working Podiatrist in order to gain a better insight into the profession (it is also a requirement in applying for the course) and wondered if anyone had any tips on how to go about doing this? I have already arranged a visit to the hospital that trains the university students to observe them but would also like to get a feel for a day in the life of someone who is qualified. If possible I'd like to do some shadowing both in and out of the NHS (and perhaps spend some time in surgery if that's not too much of a big ask?).

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanking you in advance

    Andrew (Northamptonshire, UK)
  2. Sally Smillie

    Sally Smillie Active Member

    Welcome Andrew!

    Your idea is an excellent one, particularly wise to consider a mix of NHS and private. Our magnicificent profession is peppered with a vast array of experience and types of clinical practice. The scope of practice is immense. For that reason, make sure you get a good range of 'work experience'. Some clinics may depress you and make you want to run as fast as you can in the other direction - I myself feel like this when I come across them. And then there are the stellar practitioners who are inspirtational - spend time with these to inspire your career and show you just what it can be like and don't get turned off by a bad experience. Some pod students get depressed after a clinical placement and wonder "if that is what I am signing up for, I don't want it". It could just be an awful placement. I used to locum when I first came to the UK and I was shocked at the variation between Trusts, so don't let that bother you terribly either. Next doors Trust may be amazing.

    Try and get a mix of experience of the various areas; biomechanics; diabetes (wound care); nail surgery; general treatment (nails/corns/callouses) and any of those other areas I have forgotten. Someone will come along and fill in the gaps I am sure in a moment.

    I only do paediatrics, mostly biomechanics I suppose. It's probably not appropriate for you to do paeds until you are an enrolled student with an enhanced CRB check, but once you are, you can come and check out the awesomeness of paeds anytime you like. I am in North Kent.

    Good luck
  3. AMV

    AMV Welcome New Poster

    Many thanks for the warm welcome Sally!

    I would love to take you up on the offer when I'm able to.

    Your enthusiasm for the profession and helpful advice has made my day!

    Thanks again.

  4. Sally Smillie

    Sally Smillie Active Member

    My pleasure :D

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