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Concerned and shocked newbie

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Dewletter, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Dewletter

    Dewletter Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, I came onto this site whilst searching for answers.
    I, as a member of the public have only just realised that there is also a profession called Foot Health Practitioners. I was given a contact number from the chiropadist mum used to visit as she didn't do mobile chiropody (mum now in a care home). So I wrongly and ignorantly assumed she would get the same quality level of chiropody care. WRONG!!!! I
    know now that she is a foot health practitioner and has caused painful damage to my mum's toes, untreated fungal infection has caused mum's toenail to completely lift and become very sore and painful.
    I now have the problem of how to ensure this person is accountable for neglect and doesn't cause further neglect to others. There seems to be nowhere to go other than a solicitor which I'll be doing tomorrow.
    I am now on a mission to enlighten others and all of the Managers at care homes in my Town to ask "who is coming to cut our residents toe nails? If they are FHP are they registered? Joining Chiropadist/ FHP up with the residents care plan.
    This might help in ensuring residents feet aren't neglected.
    It's very concerning that I cannot report this person because she is a FHP and not a chiropodist/podiatrist.

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