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  1. pedorthichopeful Welcome New Poster

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    I would like to become a pedorthist, but am having trouble finding information. I know I have to take a course, but there is also a 1,000 hour internship that I can't find information on. How is this internship set up? Is that something I'm supposed to set up myself or through an organization?
  2. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member


    You can call the ABC directly and ask them questions, they're very helpful. Good luck!
  3. sesadler Member

    You may also want to check the site for the Pedorthic Foundation: http://www.pedorthicfoundation.org/.

    There are opportunities available for scholarships to help with the costs.

  4. pedorthichopeful Welcome New Poster

    Thanks for the tips. I've been e-mailing local pedorthists to see if they'd be willing to let me do the internship with them, but no one has replied so far. Kind of discouraging.
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