< Outcomes of IED Foot and Ankle Blast Injuries | IPad Surgical App >
  1. JamesSainter Member

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    Hey guys, I am a first year student podiatrist and been a member on here for a while. I feel like this would be a great place to ask a question regarding tendon recovery.

    I recently had an accident with glass and severed the flexor tendon in my thumb. It was a horrific experience but now I have just had surgery to reconnect/stitch it (1 week ago).

    Does anyone know what the recovery rates are like for this type of surgery? Obviously there are huge variances but do you think the tendon could ever get back to full strength e.g doing rock climbing? It really worries me as you use scalpels all day long as a podiatrist.

    I am currently doing the Belfast regime to keep the tendon moving but its quite a mental challenge to do. I'd like to write more but its taking hours to type with one hand. I thought i'd ask here as I'm sure some of you are anatomy experts.
  2. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    Your surgeon who observed your injury directly and treated it would be the one to ask.

  3. You might be climbing V Diff for a while, but providing the surgery was a success and you take your physio's advice on post op mobilisation and strengthening exercises, no reason why you shouldn't make a full recovery. When I was a first year student and on the eve of a first aid exam, my girlfriend decided to start the engine of my car whilst I was in the middle of changing a fan belt - and nearly severed three fingers on my right hand. Didn't climb that summer but did the following year. Passed the first aid exam too - but in the following term!
  4. JamesSainter Member

    Thanks mark, Its early days. Just trying to stay positive is hard haha.
  5. DActon Member

    Dear James,

    I have been an orthopaedic sales man for the past few years selling products for the extremities, so have extensive experience in dealing with your type of case when discussing options to the surgeon. This included the post op care and rehab.
    The actual healing time of tendon back onto bone, you are looking at 6-10 weeks though full movement and strength 3-6 months. Both these times are subject to your compiance to the surgeon's and physio's treatment regime.

    By the way I am returning to practice.

    Good luck!

< Outcomes of IED Foot and Ankle Blast Injuries | IPad Surgical App >

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