< Areosmith star blames rehab stint on feet | Patient set alight during surgery files lawsuit >

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    Just for fun.

    We consider Britain to be quite a safe place to be. Less guns than the US, less spiders and snakes than oz, less posturologists than france;)

    However the stats are worrying

    Place these reasons for people arriving in A&E IN BRITAIN in order from most numerous to rarest
    dog bites

    Power tool injuries

    Being bitten by a crocodile or alligator :eek:

    Being burned by fireworks

    Falling out of bed ::)

    Struck by lightning

    Bitten by venemous snakes, spiders and scorpians :-/

    Bitten / struck by NON veneomous reptiles (not including the crocodiles obviously)

    Hornet sting

    Being bitten by a rat

    Being Shot

    Being hit with a blunt instument

    Good luck! Correct order to follow next time i'm on night shift.

  2. One Foot In The Grave Active Member

    I'll have a go:

    1. Power tool injuries

    2. dog bites

    3. Being hit with a blunt instument

    4. Falling out of bed ::)

    5. Being burned by fireworks

    6. Bitten / struck by NON veneomous reptiles (not including the crocodiles obviously)

    7. Being shot

    8. Bitten by venemous snakes, spiders and scorpians :-/

    9. Hornet sting

    10. Being bitten by a rat

    11. Struck by lightening

    12. Being bitten by a crocodile or alligator
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
< Areosmith star blames rehab stint on feet | Patient set alight during surgery files lawsuit >

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