< EPC s again im afraid | Podiatry care without a podiatrist? >
  1. pdoan01 Active Member

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    well i was enquiring to the RACS about podiatric surgery in Australia to be audited and here was my reply:

    Dear .....,

    The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons does not audit podiatric surgeons because they are not, in fact, surgeons. Surgeons are doctors who, after successfully completing an undergraduate medical course and working for two years in a hospital, train as surgeons for at least six years under the guidance of this College. Podiatrists are what used to be called chiropodists. Podiatric “surgeons” are chiropodists who perform minor surgical procedures on the toes and feet.

    The College of Surgeons has tried over the years to prevent the public being misled by this ambiguity, but to no avail. The College’s stance on podiatric surgery can be found on the College’s website. http://www.surgeons.org/media/225125/sbm_2010-05-20_ahwmc.pdf

    For information about podiatric surgeons, it is suggested you contact the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons. http://www.acps.edu.au/”

    Kind regards,

    R.A.C.S Mailbox Administrator
  2. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    Why would you want RACS to audit podiatric surgeons? They are on the public record on multiple occasions objecting against 'chiropodists' performing surgery. And they represent an entirely separate profession.

  3. pdoan01 Active Member

    Ah i see. What about the AMC accrediting and auditing podiatric surgery for educational standards or something similiar so that we can have less opposition and unapproval from the medical fraternity?
  4. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    I assume you know what AMC stands for?

    I am sure most podiatric surgeons would probably welcome the legitimacy that AMC accreditation would bring; but for now ANZPAC and AHPRA will be the accrediting authorities. Such is life.
  5. pdoan01 Active Member

    Australian Medical Council,

    But yes my point is that if the AMC were to bring such assistance it would also get the AOA and RACS to back off and leave podiatric surgery alone
  6. Whats is you name by the way ?

    And why would the AOA and RACS want to back off what positve does it bring to their memebers and their profession ?
  7. pdoan01 Active Member


    And why would the AOA and RACS want to back off what positve does it bring to their memebers and their profession ?[/QUOTE]

    Well keep in mind that the AOA and RACS dont think that podiatric surgery should be a specialty and that the role podiatrists should be limited to chopping nails and debriding callus. The AOA and RACS both apparently must respect and listen to the decisions of the AMC as it is that organisation that accredits the medical associations and groups etc correct me if i am wrong.

    secondly not really much positive outcome for AOA or RACS
  8. A name helps to have someone to address if it is their name or not I don´t care Your user name is a group of letter and numbers.

    How does Bob sound ?

    AMC may change their stand on any issue it still does not mean that opposed associations will like it.

    So once again - And why would the AOA and RACS want to back off what positve does it bring to their memebers and their profession ?

    While it all well and good that the profession heads into greater levels of treatment through education which has been approved through legislation and the like, the professions such as Orthopedic surgeons are not going to want this to happen.

    Why ?- Money

    It really has little to do with the surgical outcome, imo
  9. pdoan01 Active Member

    Bob is fine ..

    welll as i have said there is no positives for them on us the podiatry profession.

    Agreed money is pretty much everything in this day and age.

    Obviously i was stating this for the podiatry profession, the consequences for the AOA and RACS is not really much of our concern? well i dont think so. Orthopedics are going to have to learn how to share, evidence? In the use over 90% of foot and ankle surgeries are done by DPMs.
  10. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but there is only marginally better relationships between podiatrists and orthopods in the US. See the Texas legal fights for example.

    Podiatry is not unique. Many medical groups fight over turf with each other. IMHO after watching this saga for the best part of 20 years, the AOA and RACS are unlikely to ever change their opinion of podiatrist surgery - even if we all had MD quals like max/fax.

    All that really matters is government approval and support.

  11. pdoan01 Active Member

    Agreed with both points, MD qualifications would obviously get more credability to the general public, and government support is the greatest asset.

    True to the fact that the medical groups are stubborn and will never give up.
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