< Teaching the assessment of diabetic patients for peripheral neuropathy | Fluent in Spanish, German etc.... >
  1. rrama Welcome New Poster

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    Can anyone suggest a podiatry related randomised controlled trial that is good for teaching critical appraisal.......not really bad but reasonably well done with some possible threats to validity ie no blinding to outcome measure.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    You can not go past Karl Landorf's study: Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses to Treat Plantar Fasciitis. I use it in my teaching and especially get the students to look over the comments in that thread on the research - the thread is an excellent resource for teaching purposes! The analysis of the comments in the discussion forms just as much in their assignment as does the formal appraisal of the paper.

    BTW: Welcome to Podiatry Arena :welcome::welcome:

    Are you teaching somewhere?
  3. rrama Welcome New Poster

    Hello Craig.
    Thankyou for the welcome and suggestion. I have been teaching clin epi at UQ for some time since I stopped working as a podiatrist. I am just putting together some critical appraisal examples of intervention, diagnostic and prognostic studies.
    Thankyou again Craig.
  4. Adrian Misseri Active Member

    G'day Rama,

    there aren't a great deal of really good podiatry RCTs, but there are a couple of good physio ones I can send through?
    Did a big research subject with through UniSA with Karen Grimer-Sommers in Adelaide last year and get all sorts of good stuff, as well as a few good critical appraisal tools if you're interested?
  5. rrama Welcome New Poster

    Thankyou very much Adrian, I would appreciate the physio examples you have. We have to use the CASP appraisal tools in our teaching.....is that what you used?
    Thankyou for taking the time to reply.
  6. Kenva Active Member

    Hey Rama,
    CASP and CONSORT are commonly used appraisal tools.
    Also the SIGN is very good!


  7. Adrian Misseri Active Member

    G'day again,
    sorry I've been busy, hadn't had a chance to dig up those papers, promise to do it over the next couple of days. the critical appraisal tools I like are PEDro and MINORS and I believe the NHMRC has one. They also have a great heriachy of evidence. SIGN has a heirachy too, but it's not as clear nor easy to use as the NHMRC one.
    I'll get you those papers as soon as I find them
< Teaching the assessment of diabetic patients for peripheral neuropathy | Fluent in Spanish, German etc.... >

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