< Foot Surgery Atlas [Free online resource] | Tendon interposition arthroplasty in distal Interphalangeal Joint arthritis >
  1. Craig Payne Moderator


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    One thing I learnt about being a sceptic and responding to pseudoscience on the web, especially Facebook is that when you call someone out, it is often a good idea to keep a screenshot.

    Well I called HyProCure out on an image they created and claims they made on Facebook.

    Here is a link to the post they made: https://www.facebook.com/hyprocure/...41828.558346080962179/730000037130115/?type=3

    Guess what, rather than respond or correct their claims they deleted my post within minutes.

    Lucky I kept a screenshot so I could shame them:

    This is not how you run a social media campaign or it will come back and bite you .... oh look, it has!
  2. Great shout Craig, while it hasn't happened to me, I know of colleagues who have responded to posts on social media that were made by colleagues who are supposedly well respected, only to see the orignal poster delete their post. Very poor form.
  3. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  4. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    ..but the real #whiteelephantintheroom is what has arch height got to do with anything at all and why are we suggesting we treat "arch height"? God........ i'm going back to bed if this can of worms is going to open up.... Poor form for them deleting your post though.
  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    I may be wrong in my interpretation of the two systematic reviews I quoted; but if I am at least engage with the issue and point this out rather than hide.

    A lot of companies do this; eg OESH shoes regularly delete stuff rather than respond or engage. They do themselves no favours doing so.

    The worst culprit is the nutter FoodBabe
    I belong to a facebook group: Banned by Food Babe: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BannedByFoodBabeOpen/ - its has 9000 members!
    Here is an article The Collapse of Food Babe: Or, how not to manage a crisis .... she just deletes comments and bans anyone who questions her qualification and pseudoscientific dribble.

    Those in Australia who know who Peter Evans is (he is a chef), would appreciate this: Blocked by Pete Evans - it has 8000 members!

    I also belong to Banned from the AVN?? celebrate it here!!!
  6. admin Administrator Staff Member

    Putting on the admin hat: MEMO to "robert" (cowardly using a pseudonym to attack people) - you were banned from Podiatry Arena because you broke the rules you agreed to when you joined. You constantly attacked individuals personally... kinda like what you are doing in your comment about this thread. You just reaffirmed why you were banned: personal attacks on people rather than engage with the issue.

    The above Facebook comment that got deleted was not a "personal attack" but an attempt to engage with the issue of the contradictory evidence for a claim they were making.
  7. Craig Payne Moderator


    Attached Files:

  8. Craig Payne Moderator

  9. Craig Payne Moderator

    This is getting even worse.

    HyProCure have just put out this press release based on this study.

    The press release claims:
    The study did not show that. The study did not even have any HyProCure devices in it.
    Another epic fail.

    I see Seth over at PodPost keeps calling these devices: HypeTheCure

    I wonder what the FDA are going to do about the claims they keep making. They certainly setting themselves up for a fall.

    It may well be a better product, but this is not how you go about it.
  10. Craig Payne Moderator

    ...oh, and BTW; you can not compare across studies like they trying to do as the patient populations are different.
< Foot Surgery Atlas [Free online resource] | Tendon interposition arthroplasty in distal Interphalangeal Joint arthritis >

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