< PEMF does it work? | Some help please >

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    I am currently studying an undergraduate degree and I'm putting a critical literature review together for my dissertation.

    However I still need to obtain some papers from the JAPMA (about 10) and the cost of this is too much for me to afford. I was wondering if any knew how I could gain access to these papers (I have tried google scholar pubmed etc with no joy and unfortunately my external journal quota from my library has been used up!)

    I am looking at study on Functional Hallux Limitus

    If anyone could be of any help I would much appreciate it.

  2. Give me your name, where you are studying, what exact papers you need, your e-mail address and I'll see what I can do for you.
  3. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi vegetableplots,

    :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.

    I see Kevin Kirby has already responded to your request for information.

    I would also like to add that to include your name & perhaps a few details: location etc. may assist you greatly in future posts. Many of our members are happy to contribute & assist where they can & as a small token of professional courtesy being able to address an individual by name is invaluable in 'oiling the wheels.'

    Many thanks & good luck in your search. :drinks

< PEMF does it work? | Some help please >

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