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Focus group for a Podology research

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by Natalya, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Natalya

    Natalya Welcome New Poster

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    Hello everyone!

    I'm Natalya the founder of a new start-up Insolance, working on orthopedic summer shoe development in Barcelona.

    We are doing research about people suffering from foot problems (such as flat-feet, etc.), who have to wear orthopedic insoles and struggling to find stylish orthopedic summer open shoes (such as sandals, etc.).

    We would very much appreciate if you would like to participate in an in-person Focus group research where you will be answering related to this research questions.

    If you are willing to participate and make a contribution to the research please answer HERE.


    Hola a todos!

    Soy Natalya, fundadora de la nueva empresa Insolance, que trabaja en el desarrollo de calzado ortopédico de verano en Barcelona.

    Estamos investigando sobre las personas que sufren problemas en los pies (como pies planos, etc.), tienen que llevar plantillas ortopédicas y luchan por encontrar zapatos ortopédicos de verano con estilo (como sandalias, etc.).

    Le estaríamos muy agradecidos si quisiera participar en una investigación de grupo focal en persona en la que responderá a preguntas relacionadas con esta investigación.

    Si está dispuesto a participar y contribuir a la investigación, responda AQUI.


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