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Severs Disease in 11yr Boy with bleeding disorder

Discussion in 'Pediatrics' started by hemoMom, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. hemoMom

    hemoMom Guest

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    I am just looking for information. Has anyone here have experience in treating a child with Von Willebrands (moderate -factors on demand) and Severs Disease. (has had to factor with swelling and pain). Pain severe enough that walking becomes impossible or he drags the foot that is the worst.

    Quick history was in martial arts (non contact) -obviously was barefoot - for 2 years ended due to feet and knee issues, we moved him to swimming which also caused issues with his feet, he has "moderate" flat feet, Diagnosed with Severs Disease- 2 1/2 years of treatment from RICE, heel raises, orthodics, stretching etc. Only Xrays were done (shows no fracture only verifies pes planus). Now in below the knee boots (the ones with bladders) on both feet using wheel chair for 4 weeks. Significant swelling on bottom of heel (and width of heel).

    So my question is- anyone have issues with healing time with a child that has a bleeding disorder. Is it possible that the bleeding disorder may make healing from Severs take a bit longer? I understand I can not get "medical advise" here but just hoping someone out there knows of treating a situation somewhat like this. Thanks!
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Hi Hemomum,

    Sounds like you are having a tough time. These are questions that you really need to chat with your medical/podiatrist/physiotherapist about but there might be some people here with some good advice, this combination isn't one that I have run into before.

    There are quite a few different treatments that help and your son's underlying condition makes it tricky. As I'm sure you are aware, Sever's is a self limiting condition, meaning he will get better with time (no help for you in the meantime though). It does sound like you are using all the standard therapies that are used with sever's. Some kids get some relief from stretches/night splints however only if there is tightness. Stretching for the sake of stretching in sever's can just aggravate it. This is something you really need to chat to your health professional about. Good luck with the non-weight bearing time and hope it makes a significant inroad to pain free walking.

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