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  1. Annie H Member

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    Hi all
    I saw a client for the first time a few weeks ago. She was referred for severe mid foot OA pain. She had initially attended the local ER where xrays were taken and OA diagnosed. She stated that night and many occasions after that, the pain is 11/10. The Dr subsequently gave her a cortisone injection that gave little relief.
    Biomechanically her feet are both quite rigid, supinating with little pronation and the typical cavoid foot type. She is wearing little slip on ballet flat style shoes and finds anything that comes higher up the foot and any lace up foot wear extremely uncomfortable.

    Around the time she noticed the pain, she had just completed very high dose chemotherapy and I was wondering if this may have some impact on the extreme pain she was getting from the OA. I didn't feel her pain scale was normal for OA

    At her initial appointment I placed some lateral posting in the footwear and have recommended she at least try shoes that have a thicker sole for greater shock absorption. She informs me today that initially the posting helped however thicker soled shoes draw on the foot Maybe the felt posting which was only temporary has flattened too quickly?? She has another appointment in ten days however im a little stumped as to what to try next Thanks and look forward to hearing your ideas
  2. JAYNES Active Member

    Hi Annie
    What type of pain is it ? Burning
    Some times in chemotherapy can cause nerve damage painful Neuropathy
    Is the pain in both feet or just one?

  3. Annie H Member

    Hi Jaynes and sorry for the late reply
    It is more of a sharp pain, with some burning sensations. It seems to be affecting the left foot a great deal more than the right foot.
    I have had experience in the past where clients had quite severe foot pain as a result of chemotherapy.
    It just seems too severe for it to be coming completely from the OA
    Thanks again for your input
    Cheers Annie
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