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  1. Craig Payne Moderator


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    Link to the petition

    According to news.com.au (who have some cool suggestions for a flag!)
  2. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    What?! And inherit their budget deficit? You must be joking. I would rather go back to the UK - and that is going a bit!

    But then, in that info-documentary a few years ago, over 30% of the US population could not put Australia on a world map!

  3. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Well, it's a nice gesture... & as much as I like America, I think it best we just stay very good friends. Visitation rights, sleep-overs, a party & a date from time to time should suffice ;). Besides, whilst I can handle driving on the wrong side of the car :rolleyes:, I do love the metric system... & citing the date via day/month/year - instead of month/day/year (just makes more sense to me).

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but probably the closest country to America (putting aside Canada) would be Australia (as far as culture, vibe & personality).

    Then there was this...

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  4. SarahR Active Member

    In Canada we have a horrible mix of d/m/y and m/d/y. Would be nice to have the correct one (d/m/y IMO).

    FYI most Americans are not as advertised on the TV programs they share around internationally, unless you're watching some of the more obscure on the street reality TV. Regional differences are huge within the country, and the famous people have all had training to speak like Canadians. Many can't put Canada on a map. Location and scale are off conceptually for these, we're a smallish state that connects them with Alaska and some think one could drive from Ontario to BC in 2 days??

    I'd propose a Canadian-Australian merger to improve our collective strength and avoid future manifest destiny annexation. The Americans want to take over and get rid of both of our coloured money.

    Btw Craig, some of us Canadians would love to attend a biomechanics boot camp held locally. You could report back on merger potential.
  5. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    God no!
  6. Ros Kidd Active Member

    Sooo ...sweetheart....guess your thinking of missing the US next year and this is your way of telling me!
  7. blinda MVP

    You know you`re in trouble when the term of endearment `sweetheart` is used on a forum.
  8. bmjones1234 Active Member

    Be great if NZ and UK joined forces! But can't see it happening any time soon lol!
  9. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Wonderful idea! The Yanks would then have to replace the strange (girly) game played by men in pyjamas with cricket, and the strange game played by men in armour with the man's game of rugby. This would result in the civilisation of the country and a general acceptance by the rest of the cultured world (except for France where I am writing this and doesn't count anyway). Of course, the Aussies wouldn't like it but their sacrifice would be for the common good!

    (To our American colleagues, the word is spelled i.r.o.n.y.)

    All the best

  10. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    I had a query why; so qualifying that post I will add that I wouldn't like Australia to merge with any other country, every country is so different. The closest sociologically would have to be NZ, and they've got a small man chip-on-the-shoulder attitude to Aust anyway, like Aust have with England so can't see that happening.
    Maybe the Czech Republic, I'd consider that as the many ex-Czech's I've had as patients have all been most interesting, friendly, intelligent, yep the Czech-Australian alliance!
  11. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    Xcuse me! NZ may or may not have a chip on their shoulder vis: Ozz, but any suggestion that ozz has the same to the UK is just plain rubbish. The UK, put simply, is a civilisation in decline - it will take many more years before it is obvious though. Australia is in the ascendency; its years are yet to come. History tells us this; by way of analogy, look at the US: any day now China will overtake it as a Word power, and it [US] will never understand why. As a matter of interest, Kiwis refer to Ozz as the West Island! I love NZ, and if I couldn't live in Ozz it would be there.
  12. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Crikey mate... I think I (we) may actually agree (together) on this view (albeit controversial... I hear the hornets nest a brewing :eek:).

    Hear the start of this vid (from the 40 sec. mark)...

    ... & the decline of Great Briton is a real shame! :empathy:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  13. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    C'mon Rob; the UK a civilization in decline? We invented cricket and still play it better than Oz (got creamed by NZ recently though). Never forget, the old saw - What's the difference between a pot of yoghurt and Oz? Answer; there's more culture in the pot of yoghurt!

    I must admit, and given your particular interest in evolution, I sometimes wonder if the creatures dragging their knuckles down to soccer matches on a Saturday don't demonstrate a type of UK recidivism. A particular specimen actually on the field recently bit an opponent. Mind you, his name is Suarez and I understand that he's some sort of import!

    All the best

  14. bmjones1234 Active Member

    China has already overtaken USA as a superpower - it was in the news a while back. I'd recommend googling it. But its there, possible a Guardian/Telegraph Issue.
  15. Mr C.W.Kerans Active Member

    It would never work - think of the resulting accents.
  16. arcom Member

    Would be a tough go unless the Aussies switched to driving on the correct side of the road. Then again, I might be able to get to the 51st State for under $1500US, r/t. Accent confusion? Just try to understand someone from the mountains of North Carolina.
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
  17. Craig Payne Moderator

  18. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Would this mean the AFL Grand final would be titled AFL "World series"?
  19. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Good question!

    Would the rugby and cricket world cups then become the 'Universal Chalices?'


  20. wdd Well-Known Member


    I don't think so.

    'Australerica' sounds more like it?
  21. Deka08 Active Member

    I dont think "Ameristralia" or "Austalerica" has much chance of bringing home a Universal Chalice in rugby or cricket any time soon.
    At least I could probably get better access to some decent bbq ribs. Americans own that!!

    Derek Condon
  22. wdd Well-Known Member

    No problems Derek, here's the answer.

    Out of the EEC and here comes:


    Sounds like a world beater to me!

    Then again.

    How about Britaustralerichina?
  23. rosherville Active Member

    Sounds a wonderful idea, a sort of repatriation. I thought they were the same group, escaping from Britain, but with part of the fleet being blown off course !
  24. Deka08 Active Member

    We need to think modern. Ambrau, Aubram, short and simple. But the way incorporation is going, we may as well just call it Apple, or windows.
  25. wdd Well-Known Member

    Are you actively trying to keep China out or is it just that you dont like the sound of "Ambrauch" and "Aubramch" or even Chambrau/Chaubram/Auchbram/Bramchau/Brauamch/etc

    Maybe we can let the Chinese in by calling it "ping guo" or ??? (I dont seem to be able to find the Chinese word for 'Windows" but at least a ping guo a day will keep the doctor away).

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