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  2. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    I did an essay on Roman capital punishment in my recent History MA. This man was named Jehohann and was about 35 years of age at death. Depending on the period, crucifixion was reserved for rebels and traitors, with other interesting methods of dealing death for others. Techniques varied slightly but the nails were generally driven between the ulnar and the radius in the arms, although through the carpals and even through the palm was also used (presumably the intermetacarpal ligament was strong enough to support the hanging body). Contrary to the various depictions of the death of Jesus Christ, the criminal was stripped naked and the feet were placed on the outer edges of the cross before the nails were driven through the calcanei. This deliberately made the humiliation of death worse since the genitals were revealed and as the victim would inevitably become incontinent of urine and faeces the onlookers (who were forced to attend) would duly take warning not to offend the Romans. The small plate of wood shown in the posting was applied below the head of the nails to prevent the nail pulling through the tissue. The process was not static, but active, as the victim pulled himself up and from side to side as is shown by wear in the wrist bones of Jehohann. Interestingly, the cause of death is still not known but was probably organ failure associated with hypovolaemic shock. There may have been a strong psychological component since the victim knew he was going to die. Occasionally, as with the reported death of Jesus Christ, the guards would stab the sufferer or break the legs when the victim would rapidly expire due to an inability to breathe.

    Bill Liggins
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