1. joejared Active Member

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    It was suggested that I post something in this forum, introducing myself. By profession, I am an inventor and have been in business since 2000 producing software and hardware for the manufacture of foot orthotics and working in the industry since 1995. My main purpose here is to understand more about how podiatrists think and how it can be applied to my own software and hardware.
  2. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Joe,

    :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.

    From a previous post you made:

    So I gather that unless your post is removed by Admin he is allowing you to join in & debate with others on this forum.

    I also notice you have already dipped your toes in to some of the threads. :boxing:

    Expect some lively debates. ;)



  3. joejared Active Member

    So far so good, anyway. I was really hoping for discussion of technical matters and continuing my research based on these discussions, and becoming a member here was paydirt once I found all of the pdfs. To continue to improve on my software and hardware, I really need input from the people it's used for and to be a part of a community that benefits from what I do.

    Noticed that part. Quickly I had to learn that because I believe something to be true, no matter what the merits, someone else will have an opposing view and just as many merit badges and will be just as right. The nastyness I can do without, but I figure that as long as I'm not fighting fire with fire, it'll go out. I really appreciate your welcoming me, Mandy. It means alot to me.

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