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Some new research on the rheumatoid foot

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by NewsBot, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    The lastest issue of Rheumatology has these 3 publications:
    Forefoot joint damage, pain and disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients with foot complaints: the role of plantar pressure and gait characteristics
    Rheumatology 2006 45(4):465-469
    The effect of foot orthoses in rheumatoid arthritis
    Rheumatology 2006 45(4):449-453
    Effects of loss of metatarsophalangeal joint mobility on gait in rheumatoid arthritis patients
    Rheumatology 2006 45(4):435-440
  2. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Regionalised centre of pressure analysis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2006 Oct 17;
    Semple R, Turner DE, Helliwell PS, Woodburn J
  3. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    In vivo three-dimensional skeletal alignment analysis of the hindfoot valgus deformity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    J Orthop Res. 2006 Nov 14;
    Liu H, Sugamoto K, Itohara T, Tomita T, Hashimoto J, Yoshikawa H
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Kinematic changes of the foot and ankle in patients with systemic rheumatoid arthritis and forefoot deformity
    J Orthop Res. 2006 Dec 1;
    Khazzam M, Long JT, Marks RM, Harris GF
  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Partial tarsal arthrodesis for rheumatoid feet.
    Mod Rheumatol. 2004 Jun;14(2):130-4
    Tanaka Y, Takakura Y, Taniguchi A, Sugimoto K, Kumai T, Fukui A
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging of heel fat pad inflammatory-oedematous lesions in rheumatoid arthritis.
    Scand J Rheumatol. 2006 Nov-Dec;35(6):454-8.
    Falsetti P, Frediani B, Acciai C, Baldi F, Filippou G, Galeazzi M, Marcolongo R.
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Assessment of foot impairment in rheumatoid arthritis patients by dynamic pedobarography.
    Schmiegel A, Rosenbaum D, Schorat A, Hilker A, Gaubitz M.
    Gait Posture. 2007 Apr 5; [Epub ahead of print]
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The relationship of disease duration to foot function, pain and disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients with foot complaints.
    van der Leeden M, Steultjens M, Dekker JH, Prins AP, Dekker J.
    Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2007 Mar-Apr;25(2):275-80.
  9. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging of the hands and feet in the diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis.
    Calisir C, Murat Aynaci AI, Korkmaz C.
    Joint Bone Spine. 2007 May 30; [Epub ahead of print]
  11. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Kinematic adaptation of locomotor pattern in rheumatoid arthritis patients with forefoot impairment.
    Laroche D, Ornetti P, Thomas E, Ballay Y, Maillefert JF, Pozzo T.
    Exp Brain Res. 2007 Jan;176(1):85-97. Epub 2006 Aug 17.
  12. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Ankle/hindfoot arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis improves kinematics and kinetics of the knee and hip: a prospective gait analysis study.
    Weiss RJ, Broström E, Stark A, Wick MC, Wretenberg P.
    Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 Jun;46(6):1024-8.
  13. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The relationship of disease duration to foot function, pain and disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients with foot complaints.
    van der Leeden M, Steultjens M, Dekker JH, Prins AP, Dekker J.
    Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2007 Mar-Apr;25(2):275-80.
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Medscape have the full text of this (free registration required)
    Remission by Composite Scores in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Are Ankles and Feet Important?Theresa Kapral; Florian Dernoschnig; Klaus P Machold; Tanja Stamm; Monika Schoels; Josef S Smolen; Daniel Aletaha
  15. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Biomechanics of the foot in rheumatoid arthritis: Identifying abnormal function and the factors associated with localised disease 'impact'
    Turner DE, Helliwell PS, Siegel KL, Woodburn J.
    Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2007 Sep 27; [Epub ahead of print]
  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Radiographic joint damage in early rheumatoid arthritis is highly dependent on body mass index
    Gisela Westhoff, Rolf Rau, Angela Zink
    Arthritis & Rheumatism Volume 56, Issue 11 , Pages 3575 - 3582
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Methodological considerations for a randomised controlled trial of podiatry care in rheumatoid arthritis: lessons from an exploratory trial.
    Turner DE, Helliwell PS, Woodburn J.
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2007 Nov 6;8(1):109 [Epub ahead of print]
  18. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Flexor hallucis longus tendon rupture in RA-patients is associated with MTP 1 damage and pes planus.
    Baan H, Drossaers-Bakker WK, Dubbeldam R, Buurke JJ, Nene A, van de Laar MA.
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2007 Nov 6;8(1):110 [Epub ahead of print]
  19. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Pedography and radiographic imaging for the detection of foot deformities in rheumatoid arthritis.
    Schmiegel A, Vieth V, Gaubitz M, Rosenbaum D.
    Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2007 Nov 15; [Epub ahead of print]
  20. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Radiological study of joint destruction patterns in rheumatoid flatfoot.
    Hattori T, Hashimoto J, Tomita T, Kitamura T, Yoshikawa H, Sugamoto K.
    Clin Rheumatol. 2007 Nov 20; [Epub ahead of print]
  21. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Gait pattern in rheumatoid arthritis
    RĂ¼diger J. Weissa, Per Wretenberga, AndrĂ© Starka, Karin Palmbladb, Per Larssonc, Lollo Gröndala, Eva Broströmb
    Gait and Posture (in press)
  22. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Course of damage to the hallux over 5 years after forefoot resection arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
    Hattori H, Mibe J, Nohara A, Yamamoto K.
    Int Orthop. 2007 Aug;31(4):477-81.
  23. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The prevalence of foot ulceration in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
    Jill Firth, Claire Hale, Philip Helliwell, Jackie Hill, E. Andrea Nelson
    Arthritis Care & Research Volume 59, Issue 2 , Pages 200 - 205
  24. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The optimal assessment of the rheumatoid arthritis hindfoot: a comparative study of clinical examination, ultrasound and high field MRI.
    Wakefield RJ, Freeston JE, O'Connor P, Reay N, Budgen A, Hensor EM, Helliwell PS, Emery P, Woodburn J.
    Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Feb 7 [Epub ahead of print]
  25. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Lapidus procedure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - short-term results.
    [Article in German]
    Popelka S, VavrĂ­k P, HromĂ¡dka R, Sosna A.
    Z Orthop Unfall. 2008 Jan-Feb;146(1):80-5.
  26. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Characterising the clinical and biomechanical features of severely deformed feet in rheumatoid arthritis
    Deborah E. Turner and James Woodburn
    Gait & Posture (Article in Press)
  27. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Triple arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis.
    Knupp M, Skoog A, Törnkvist H, Ponzer S.
    Foot Ankle Int. 2008 Mar;29(3):293-7.
  28. JFAR

    JFAR Active Member

    Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging of the plantar forefoot in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Inter-observer agreement between a podiatrist and a radiologist

    Catherine J Bowen , Keith Dewbury , Madeline Sampson , Sally Sawyer , Jane Burridge , Christopher J Edwards and Nigel K Arden

    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2008, 1:5doi:10.1186/1757-1146-1-5

    Published: 28 July 2008

    Abstract (provisional)

    The use of musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) in the diagnosis and management of foot and ankle musculoskeletal pathology is increasing. Due to the wide use of MSUS and the depth and breadth of training required new proposals advocate tailored learning of the technique to discrete fields of practice. The aims of the study were to evaluate the inter-observer agreement between a MSUS radiologist and a podiatrist, who had completed basic skills training in MSUS, in the MSUS assessment of the forefoot of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    A consecutive sample of thirty-two patients with rheumatoid arthritis was assessed for presence of synovitis, erosions and bursitis within the forefoot using MSUS. All MSUS assessments were performed independently on the same day by a podiatrist and one of two Consultant Radiologists experienced in MSUS.

    Moderate agreement on image acquisition and interpretation was achieved for bursitis (kappa 0.522; p<0.01) and erosions (kappa 0.636; p<0.01) and fair agreement for synovitis (kappa 0.216; p<0.05) during the primary assessments. Following a further training session, substantial agreement (kappa 0.702) between the two investigators was recorded. The sensitivity of the podiatrist using MSUS was 82.4% for detection of bursitis, 83.0% for detection of erosion and 84.0% for detection of synovitis. Specificity of the podiatrist using MSUS was 88.9% for detection of bursitis, 80.7% for detection of erosion and 35.9% for detection of synovitis.

    This study demonstrated good inter-observer agreement between a podiatrist and radiologist on MSUS assessment of the forefoot, particularly for bursitis and erosions, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There is scope to further evaluate and consider the role of podiatrists in the MSUS imaging of the foot following appropriate training and also in the development of reliable protocols for MSUS assessment of the foot.
  29. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The FOOTSTEP self-management foot care programme: Are rheumatoid arthritis patients physically able to participate?
    Semple R, Newcombe LW, Finlayson GL, Hutchison CR, Forlow JH, Woodburn J.
    Musculoskeletal Care. 2008 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print]
  30. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Cluster analysis to classify gait alterations in rheumatoid arthritis using peak pressure curves
    Claudia Giacomozzi, Francesco Martelli, Arne Nagel, Andreas Schmiegel, Dieter Rosenbaum
    Gait and Posture (Articles in Press)
  31. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Influence of foot orthoses on plantar pressures, foot pain and walking ability of rheumatoid arthritis patients-a randomised controlled study.
    Novak P, Burger H, Tomsic M, Marincek C, Vidmar G.
    Disabil Rehabil. 2008 Oct 21:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]
  32. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Prevalence and course of forefoot impairments and walking disability in the first eight years of rheumatoid arthritis.
    Leeden MV, Steultjens MP, Ursum J, Dahmen R, Roorda LD, Schaardenburg DV, Dekker J.
    Arthritis Care & Research; Volume 59 Issue 11, Pages 1596 - 1602
  33. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Plantar pressure pain thresholds and touch sensitivity in rheumatoid arthritis.
    Hodge MC, Nathan D, Bach TM.
    Foot Ankle Int. 2009 Jan;30(1):1-9.
  34. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Analysis of foot structural damage in rheumatoid arthritis: clinical evaluation by validated measures and serological correlations.
    Biscontini D, Bartoloni Bocci E, Gerli R.
    Reumatismo. 2009 Jan-Mar;61(1):48-53.
  35. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The FOOTSTEP self-management foot care programme: are rheumatoid arthritis patients physically able to participate?
    Semple R, Newcombe LW, Finlayson GL, Hutchison CR, Forlow JH, Woodburn J.
    Musculoskeletal Care. 2009 Mar;7(1):57-65.
  36. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Clinical audit of foot problems in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated at Counties Manukau District Health Board, Auckland, New Zealand.
    Rome K, Gow PJ, Dalbeth N, Chapman JM.
    J Foot Ankle Res. 2009 May 15;2(1):16. [Epub ahead of print]
  37. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Randomized controlled trial for clinical effects of varying types of insoles combined with specialized shoes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the foot
    Clinical Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, No. 6, 512-521 (2009)
  38. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The impact of rheumatoid foot on disability in Colombian patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Rojas-Villarraga A, Bayona J, Zuluaga N, Mejia S, Hincapie ME, Anaya JM.
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2009 Jun 15;10(1):67. [Epub ahead of print]
  39. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The utility of MRI in predicting radiographic erosions in the metatarsophalangeal joints of the rheumatoid foot: a prospective longitudinal cohort study.
    Mundwiler ML, Maranian P, Brown DH, Silverman JM, Wallace D, Khanna D, Louie J, Furst DE, Weisman MH.
    Arthritis Res Ther. 2009 Jun 22;11(3):R94. [Epub ahead of print]
  40. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Foot pain in rheumatoid arthritis prevalence, risk factors and management: an epidemiological study.
    Otter SJ, Lucas K, Springett K, Moore A, Davies K, Cheek L, Young A, Walker-Bone K.
    Clin Rheumatol. 2009 Dec 8. [Epub ahead of print]

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