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  1. ToesRus Welcome New Poster

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    I am writing an essay for SMAE on whether disposable intruments should be used over sterilization. I can't find anything on line giving a few point either way to help me. Can anyone reccomend a web site or a book that might help along.
    Or can you give me any ideas?

    Hope to be a fully fledged Podiatrist very soon!!!!
  2. ToesRus Welcome New Poster

    Sorry been typing all day and some of that doesn't make sense i know!!! But I hope you get the drift!!!:)
  3. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    I am not sure I understand your post, as SMAE do not train people to be Podiatrists, only to be Foot Health Practitioners and I would be very careful about your use of a Protected Title http://www.hpc-uk.org/aboutregistration/protectedtitles/ - surely you have been told about this?

    If you have access to the internet then you will see that this argument has raged for sometime on many forums, including this one, so I'm sure with a little application you can do a search and find out the information you require.

    If you aren't clever enough to do this kind of simple research I wonder how you will manage when you actually get into practice and are working solo??

  4. Peter Well-Known Member

    looks like an April fool joke to me
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