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Stretching of the plantar fascia and calf muscles for plantar fasciitis

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Effectiveness of the Simultaneous Stretching of the Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fascia in Individuals With Plantar Fasciitis
    Phoomchai Engkananuwat, PT, BSc, Rotsalai Kanlayanaphotporn, PT, PhD, Nithima Purepong, PT, PhD First Foot & Ankle International October 6, 2017
  2. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Damien Howell

    Damien Howell Member

    Not having access to full text of this article my comments are based on reading information in abstract. The abstract does not report whether there was change in range of motion of first MTP joint (length test for plantar aponeurosis. Chang has reported there is greater peak first MTPJ dorsiflexion when walking in individuals with plantar heel pain compared to controls 51.2° to 39°. [1] This raises the question whether objective signs of increased motion in subjects with painful heels warrant stretching the plantar aponeurosis. Majority of controlled clinical trials regarding plantar heel pain as well as this study fail to use a control group which does not stretch. [2]

    This study did measure pressure pain threshold, or level of tolerance. Majority of controlled clinical trials regarding plantar heel pain use outcome measure of a self-report pain measure or self-report perceived disability measure. Weppler has proposed the positive benefits from stretching exercises may be modifying the individual’s sensation as opposed to increasing muscle extensibility. [3] The positive results from aggressive stretching for plantar heel pain may be “it hurts so bad it feels good”. Can we achieve faster results if we avoid stretching exercises if the evidence is the first MTPJ dorsiflexion and ankle dorsiflexion are normal or loose? Arguments can occur as to what are best methods of measurement and what normal values of dorsiflexion, are, but at a minimal level of evidence compare the range of motion values to the non-symptomatic side if available.

    A better outcome measure would be pain measure during observed physical performance measurement. This concept has been applied to other joints the Dynamic Weight Bearing Pain Assessment Test for Knee. [4] Saban has proposed a performance measure for individuals with plantar heel pain that can be observed. [5] Standardized, valid, reliable, efficient physical performance measures which include pain measurement during the data collection are needed for plantar heel pain and foot problems.

    Damien Howell PT, DPT, OCS

    1. Chang R, Rodrigues PA, Van Emmerik RE, Hamill J: Multi-segment foot kinematics and ground reaction forces during gait of individuals with plantar fasciitis. J Biomech 2014, 47(11):2571-2577.
    2. Sweeting D, Parish B, Hooper L, Chester R: The effectiveness of manual stretching in the treatment of plantar heel pain: a systematic review. J Foot Ankle Res 2011, 4:19.
    3. Weppler CH, Magnusson SP: Increasing muscle extensibility: a matter of increasing length or modifying sensation? Phys Ther 2010, 90(3):438-449.
    4. Klokker L, Christensen R, Waehrens EE, Bandak E, Bartholdy C, Bliddal H, Henriksen M: Dynamic weight-bearing assessment of pain in knee osteoarthritis: construct validity, responsiveness, and interpretability in a research setting. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2016, 14:91.
    5. Saban B, Masharawi Y: Three single leg standing tests for clinical assessment of chronic plantar heel pain syndrome: static stance, half-squat and heel rise. Physiotherapy 2016.
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    To Compare the Effectiveness of tendo-achilles and Plantar Fascia stretching with Ultrasound with Planta Fascia stretching and Ultrasound in Plantar Fasciitis
    Kulkarni Shweta et al
    Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal
    Year : 2018, Volume : 12, Issue : 1

  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Physical Therapy with Independent Home Stretching for Plantar Fasciitis
    Philip B. Kaiser, MD, Alexander M. Crawford, MD, Eric M. Bluman, MD, ...
    Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics October 28, 2019
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Which Stretching Method is Superior in Plantar Fasciosis?
    John Butarbutar, MD, PhD
    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine November 27, 2019
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effect of a home-based stretching exercise on multisegmental foot motion and clinical outcomes in patients
    with plantar fasciitis

    Hataitip Boonchum, Sunee Bovonsunthonchai, Komsak Sinsurin, Wanlop Kunanusornchai
    J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2020
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Calf Stretching and Plantar Fascia-Specific Stretching for Plantar Fasciitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Akkradate Siriphorn et al
    July 29, 2020
  9. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effect of a home-based stretching exercise on multi-segmental foot motion and clinical outcomes in patients with plantar fasciitis
    Hataitip Boonchum et al
    J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2020 Sep 1;20(3):411-420.
  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Efficacy of Calf Stretching and Achilles Tendon Stretching in Reducing
    Pain and Improving Foot Function Disability in Patients with Plantar

    Sukhmandeep Kaur et al
    EAS J Orthop Physiother
  11. NewsBot

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    Effect of Ultrasound and Calf Stretching in relieving Gastrocnemius Tightness in subjects with Plantar Fascitis
    Sowmya M V, Nandhini S, Manigandan V
    Volume - 14, Issue - 6, Year - 2021
  12. NewsBot

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    A comparative study to analyze the effect of planter fascia stretch and heel pad with moist heat in the patients of planterfascitis
    Razzaq K, Arif U, Tahir I, Rehman TU, Liaqat A, et al.
    Glob J Medical Clin Case Rep 8(2): 087-091. DOI: 10.17352/2455-5282.000136
  13. NewsBot

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    Effectiveness of Gastrocnemius-Soleus Stretching Program as a Therapeutic Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis
    Muhammad Asad Arif , Sohail Hafeez
    Cureus. 2022 Feb 23;14(2):e22532
  14. NewsBot

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  15. NewsBot

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    A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Physical Therapy With Independent Home Stretching for Plantar Fasciitis
    Philip B Kaiser et al
    J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 Jul 15
  16. NewsBot

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    Comparison of the ThermaWedge
    Device versus Calf-Stretching for the Treatment of
    Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Cross-Over Study

    Michael Ryan et al
    Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal
  17. NewsBot

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    Effect of plantar fascia-specific stretching and Achilles tendon stretching on shear wave elasticity of the plantar fascia in healthy subjects
    YukiSugino et al
    Foot and Ankle Surgery 7 January 2023
  18. NewsBot

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    Effect of Active Stretching on Reducing Plantaris Fasciitis Pain on Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) Ramayana Makassar Town Square (MTOS)
    Faizah Ulil Hikmah et al
  19. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Literature Review on the Efficiency of Planter Fascia Stretching with Myofascial Release Technique
    Naseem Jamil et al
    Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)
  20. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A Study of Effectiveness of Calf Stretching in Managing Catastrophizing Pain in Plantar Fasciitis.
    J., Sarmila Fathima; J., Saravan Kumar; Rekha K.
    Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, 2024, Vol 18, p815
  21. NewsBot

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    Achwan Achwan et al
    Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia
  22. NewsBot

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    Clinical Efficacy of Application-Linked Stretching Ball as Digital Therapeutics in Plantar Fasciitis
    Seok Chang Ryu et al
    J Clin Med. 2024 May 6;13(9):2722

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