< Flexor Tendon Transfer for the Correction of Lesser Toe Deformities | 3d printing for foot and ankle surgery >
  1. m.e. mcgowan Member

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    I have a 77 yr old female patient whom i corrected her bunion and two hammertoes and one week after surgery she had a stroke. She was cleared by her PCP to have surgery. Has this happened to anyone else? What is your opinion/recommendation?
  2. efuller MVP

    Was the stroke embolic or hemoragic? Emboli are more common when folks move around a lot less, for example post foot surgery.

  3. drsarbes Well-Known Member


    Given the information you supplied it would be only conjecture on our part to suggest a correlation.
    If you can supply the forum with information such as her general health, past medical history, medications, etc.... perhaps we can evaluate this better.

  4. rosherville Active Member

    I`m sure there were many 77 year olds who had a stroke that same day, most not recovering from foot surgery !
< Flexor Tendon Transfer for the Correction of Lesser Toe Deformities | 3d printing for foot and ankle surgery >

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