< Walking and Running Require Greater Effort from Ankle than Knee Extensor Muscles | Lower limb alignment characteristics are not associated with running injuries in runners >
  1. Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

  2. Great to see someone take it on, but if that's the location of that subjects STJ axis- I'm Simon Van Spooner.
  3. Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

    Problems with inter-rater reliability ?

    Van Daniel
  4. No, a problem with the position of their grid. In all the studies of STJ axis location the axis is seen to pass through the neck of the talus. Their grid is virtually over the medial malleolus. Given that subjects foot type there is no way the axis is that medially deviated.
  5. Cool to see someone else take an interest in our STJ axis locator. However, the anterior STJ exit point grid pattern, like Simon said, seems unusually located.
< Walking and Running Require Greater Effort from Ankle than Knee Extensor Muscles | Lower limb alignment characteristics are not associated with running injuries in runners >

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