< Medial Cuneiform Chronic Pain | Undiagnosed pain - middle outer part of the foot >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I have a lot of pain in my right foot, which started suddently and kept increasing over a 2 hour period. Before it started, I left work and drove 30 minutes, picked up my wife at work and drove to the supermarket. I think it started the moment I put weight on my foot when coming out of the car. I didn't trip, step on anything, or do something unnatural.

    This was about 4 hours ago, and not very much at first, I could walk with a slight discomfort, but it has gotten worse. It seemed like a...

    Sudden pain in foot near arch

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< Medial Cuneiform Chronic Pain | Undiagnosed pain - middle outer part of the foot >

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