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  1. Didn't we already do this thread?
  2. That's what I thought, but I couldn't find it. I even think it was Dave Smith that started it. Anyway times change. Where are we as of 2012?
  3. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  4. Here you go squire

    top 5 fallacies of podiatric biomechanics

    Was a great thread. Love how craig sneaked "forefoot varus" in as one of the tags :D. You scamp you.

    I think there was also a 5 great truths thread as well.
  5. Ta. So what's changed since 2007?
  6. Gonna go a bit philosophical here.

    Truths are truths. They have definitive nature.

    Fallacies, however do not. They wax and wane depending on who promotes them and who believes them.

    So at any given moment, we might assess the greatest fallacies based on a few criteria.

    How widespread they are (how many people believe them)

    How "false" they are (whether they are simply untrue, or diametrically and actively untrue)

    How harmful they may be (the consequences of the fallacy).

    Looking back, in 2007 my big one was the belief that only a poly neutral shell was actually a real "functional" orthotic, because that's what I was faced with at the time.

    Now I'd say my 5 would be:-

    1: there is good evidence that barefoot running prevents injury

    2: there is good evidence that it doesn't

    3. Foot morphology / function is more important than pathology when designing orthoses.

    4. There is a single "optimum position" for The foot (who knew we'd still be up against that one!?)

    5. We can confidently predict the kinetic effects of orthoses all the way up the kinetic chain.
  7. Probably not quite provent as a myth yet but walking may not best be modelled as an inverted pedulum.

    Tendon and fascia related issues are only caused by tensile loads. Compression if too great can lead to tendon and fascia symptoms
  8. David Smith Well-Known Member

    That there is one doctrinal system with a formula of simple to follow rules that will assess the foot or pathology and prescribe an intervention and is 100% reliable for all people at, all times, in all situations and types.

    Except for mine of course which you can buy for £499 and it is protected by patent and I have just 300 practises areas to sell within the UK. So join up with the only podriMcarchituralmechostructuroNeotypodactic dynamic support pain relieving functional lifestyle enhancing system with added value and increasing profitability with every sale by £400. Listen to me I know what I'm talking about (unlike all those other charlatans who are just old fashioned old things who are very old like an old thing that has become aged and useless. I put podiatrists first on the road to success and its NEW. (not old) NB No research required just add gullibility (extra terminology available if not completely convinced)

  9. David Smith Well-Known Member

  10. CraigT Well-Known Member

    You need soft orthoses 'for cushioning'
    Orthoses are like splints for your feet and don't let your feet move
  11. RobinP Well-Known Member

    That you need 10 degrees of dorsiflexion at the ankle to be considered to have a "normal" range of movement.

    The use of the term stiffness has had a big effect in the way we talk and think about biomechanics, even in the two years since I joined.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  12. blinda MVP

  13. David Smith Well-Known Member

  14. You think thats a myth?

    Genuinely surprised!
  15. RobinP Well-Known Member

    No, sorry - it was a qualification of what I said in the first part

    My point was really that range of movement has become less important than the stiffness in the joint that you are assessing
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