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  1. Mirkosaxion Welcome New Poster

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    In the podiatry examination we determine the talar neutral position by palpating the talar head medially with the thumb and laterally with our index finger and then pronate and supinate until the head of the talus is no longer congruence.

    1. Who first described this examination in literature?

    Then to determine the forefoot/rearfoot alignment; we dorsalflex the foot and we perform plantar pressure on the fourth and fith metatarsal head. Then meassuring visual, of the patient suffers forefoot inversion or forefoot eversion

    2. Who first described this examination in literature?

    By both questions i found some indication that Root (1971/1977) was first but i'm not sure. Can anybody give more information?

    I'm also curious were is discribed how much plantar pressure is needed on the 4/5 metatarsal head to get a reliable meassurement of forefoot/rearfoot alignment?


  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    That was not Mert Root. I think it was Sheldon Langer that first talked about the talar congruence method??? - if it wasn't him, he was the one that made it popular.
    That was first in Root 1971
    I not sure there is any definitive description of that; by consensus I think most people just to it to "resistance" ... whatever that means.
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