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  1. dansmith Welcome New Poster

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    I've been lucky enough to be prescribed terbinafine in the UK (though I had to go private), for toenail onychomycosis. Can anybody tell me the real deal on alcohol and this drug? If I have a few drinks in one night (ie actually get drunk), am I taking a big risk or not?
    The official drug information sheet from the manufacturer doesn't even mention alcohol, and neither did my doctor during the consultation. I wouldn't have known there was any possible issue if I hadn't started searching online.
    I'm confused.... is this like the standard warnings with antibiotics (ie no big deal ;)) or would I be like risking sudden death or something?!
  2. Soton Pod Member

    There are no special precautions with terbinafine in respect of alcohol use except the general advice of everything in moderation! The only serious concern would be if there was a history of alcohol abuse as this would possibly indicate liver damage which is an issue with terbinafine!

    Good luck with your eviction of those pesky dermatophytes.
  3. John Spina Active Member

    I know of no special contraindications vis a vis alcohol and terbenifine.
  4. Scorpio622 Active Member

    Alcohol affects the liver, terbinafine potentially affects the liver. You figure out the rest.

    I tell all my patients that I prescribe meds ( no matter the type / mode of metabolization) to refrain from drinking. I don't go with the "in moderation" tag line because it is very subjective. Just look at the original post here- "If I have a few drinks in one night (ie actually get drunk)"

    IMHO, you may be better off pouring the booze on your toenails, rather drinking it. If this is very difficult for you, then you may have a drinking problem. (I am not trying to being judgement or accusatory here.)

    As healthcare professionals, I do realize that we must be realistic but also have a hard line approach to all all things unhealthy.

    I ask Soton Pod who states: "general advice of everything in moderation"
    Does this apply to heroin, cocaine, and over-posted orthoses???
  5. martinharvey Active Member

    ?alcohol on toe nails?

    I suppose alcohol on toe nails may be more effective than a lot of the OTC remedies that are peddled! (unless of course its Laphroig, in which case such 'lese majesteuse' deserves the death penalty) However, I lose count of the cases, year after year, who come to me with 'Fungus', that eventually reveals itself to be extrinsic trauma, twenty nail syndrome, psoriasis, STD's and just about every other Da**ed thing you can think of, that nobody has bothered to do a culture, or even simple microscopy, on!


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