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The 9/11 File

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by Mark Russell, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Thanks - I was just worried in case you thought I played cricket! ;)
  2. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Jeff, I just had a google, went to Wikipedia first and found this under, "Building implosion"

    "Selected columns on floors where explosives will be set are drilled and high explosives such as nitroglycerin, TNT, RDX, or C4 are placed in the holes. Smaller columns and walls are wrapped in detonating cord. The goal is to use as little explosive as possible so that the structure will fail in a progressive collapse therefore only a few floors are rigged with explosives, so that it is safer (fewer explosives) and costs less"


    Need more references but doesn't look good for 'necessary structural removal', mark
  3. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Howard has blood on his hands? Why? And how many troops did the Aussies send to Iraq? How much money did the Aussie's spend? You are aware, aren't you, that even the NY Times reported that there were WMD...eventually...after their "journalistic" hit-job on W was complete? I remember watching and reading about a 70% voter turnout in Iraq. Imagine that? 70% of Iraqiis voted in spite of threats of death if they did so. Remember the purple fingers? When was the last time the US or Australia ever had a 70% turnout to vote? It seems they embraced democracy. The Incompetent One is the reason why that has failed...not Howard, not Bush, not Cheney, not Rumsfeld. You remain irrelevant.
  4. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Question for the two conspiracy Marks. Assuming that you're correct, and this was a planned and well coordinated inside job....then who is/was pulling the levers...whom is "inside"?
  5. I'm not interested. At this moment that is mere speculation. Please refer back to the original post. What I would like to know is whether three steel and concrete buildings could suffer catastrophic failure and disintegrate into dust and collapse into their own footprint at close to free fall speed - from fires started by kerosene. We may never know who is ultimately responsible, but it certainly wasn't Osama Bin Laden, Iraqis, Iranians or Afghans.
  6. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    John Howard was the Prime Minister (head of the country) from 1996 to 2007. Got out just before the GFC. He sent out troops to both Afghanistan (42 Australian deaths) and Iraq (2 Australian deaths). Iraqi deaths 100,000's

    I mentioned Afghanistan but Iraq, ok
    A google search, "The initial Australian force consisted of; three Royal Australian Navy ships, 500 special forces soldiers, P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft, C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and No. 75 Squadron RAAF (which included 14 F/A-18 Hornet fighters. (Part of its contingent were among the first forces to enter Iraq after the official "execute" order.)"
    "The cost of the Iraq war to Australian taxpayers is estimated to have exceeded A$5 billion"

    So, the point? US Intelligence got that wrong, WMD and nuclear arsenal. By the way, which country sold Iraq some chemical weapons earlier?

    Yep 79% in 2005 first 'free' election. Also same year, "According to an opinion poll carried out for the British Ministry of Defence in 2005 ..and leaked to the British press, 82 per cent of Iraqis are strongly opposed to the presence of US and other coalition troops and less than one per cent believe that the coalition troops are responsible for any improvement in security"

    You obviously don't realise Australia has mandatory voting. USA mid 50's, depressing. Iraqis certainly 'embraced democracy' while it lasted.

    No, at first it was the amount of damage to the country, and the Iraqi army being disbanded, which of course has led to the formation of ISIS. As ruthless and despotic a ruler Hussein was there was no Al-Qaeda and associated nut-jobs in Iraq until 2003.
    No it wasn't Obama alone; Cheney and his neo-con mates, Blair, Howard originally and Obama, and successive Australian Prime Ministers since

    As I am irrelevant, please treat me as same and ignore me as I will ignore you. You deserve Cruz, Trump, unfortunately citizens of the world don't. Now have a good life, the best to your family and goodbye
  7. This final presentation by Dr David Chandler succinctly illustrates why the official report into the 9/11 atrocity is a deliberate fabrication and deception. I think by now the scientific evidence is overwhelming and I would rather place my trust in Isaac Newton than the various governments that continue to peddle the lie.

    Those with an interest in scientific papers may find this helpful.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  8. Looks fairly sound research methodology...


  9. Calling all you engineering specialists out there, here is your Room 101: The Pandora's Box of theoretical mechanics. None of this conspiracy nonsense here, just the answer I posed regarding the hypothetical situation of al lower extremity structural collapse. Clearly it is implausible, mass non? It's a lecture in force, momentum and impact. 24 CPD points if you watch it. 3am tea breaks if you do...

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  10. I think, by now, the scientific case for controlled demolition by means as yet unknown - is overwhelming. There is also much circumstantial evidence to support the notion that this atrocity was planned by those in positions of authority - not by Islamic terrorists run by an old bloke with a beard in a cave up the Khyber Pass.

    Few will have the capacity to watch this documentary - at nearly five hours long, it is nonetheless a comprehensive complication of testimony from that day.

    Have fun!

    For those that lack the stamina, the trailer for the above. Is the blindfold slipping yet? ;)

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  11. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    Mark-you've convinced yourself...that's for sure...but why stop there? Who's behind the planned attack, then? Who perpetrated it and whom aided and abetted the enemy?
  12. I've no way of knowing. Maybe you can help me here - could you email or write to your elected representative in the US government and ask the question. Seemingly, like you, they don't think that foreigners should be asking these questions of them and they don't respond - but they have a legal duty to you - so be my guest.

    I prefer to concentrate of the factual evidence - you know the kind of stuff that can be proved unequivocally by the scientific method. Maybe if you had done the same with your studies on GP life would have been rather different.... ;)
  13. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    My suggestion to you is....follow the money. And, no, I'm not talking about Cheney's association with Halliburton, which liberals LOVED to bring up years ago, (never minding the fact that no other company could've provided the logistical support to our troops as they did). Follow the REAL money, and explore whom benefitted the most from US military intervention in the ME.

    Contacting my Congressman would be a serious waste of my time...they would merely direct me to the report on it, and my contacts with his office have been most unsatisfying on different fronts/topics. Good luck.
  14. Do you always give up so easily? :rolleyes:

    Why not educate him about Newton's third and what resistance actually means?
  15. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    I don't know who was responsible, who 'masterminded' the project; but I know that if you believe in evidence and the laws of physics something 'stinks'. Just because you don't want to believe or that has never happened before you shouldn't close your mind; this isn't the vaccination debate where there is clear evidence for the use of vaccinations, with this you only have the evidence to examine, mark
  16. drhunt1

    drhunt1 Well-Known Member

    LOL! I tried to get him, through his field representative, to read Federalist Papers #58, written by James Madison, (one of my favorite Founders, btw). They couldn't care less...which is just one of the many problems we face as a Republic...indifference by those we elect. Like I wrote above...follow the money...

  17. Yes, I'm sure much of the cash has been well laundered by now and through a number of entities other than one single investment firm.

    I assume by your answer that you agree that the 9/11 atrocity was planned and executed by individuals other than ten Saudi wannabes?
  18. This is the Toronto Hearing which marked the ten year anniversary and has recently been made into a documentary. Factual, informative and well reasoned.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  19. Just noticed the conclusions of the panel judges has been published recently on Amazon.


  20. Isn't life strange? Here we have a community of highly educated and skilled individuals working in a caring profession whose primary interest concerns the forces and stresses applied to known structures and the effects these produce. The community is rigorous in its examination of theory and practice within the discipline and properly advocates the use of objective evidence tested with the scientific method. Proposals and paradigms that fail close scrutiny are criticised and occasionally ridiculed when necessary! There is rarely any shortage of scrutineers - and chancers are given short-shift.

    Yet, in the abstract, here we have another simple engineering problem in which the same principles and laws of physics all of us use in our daily practice apply - and where the proponents of a theory makes Brian Rothbart look like Einstein - and our learned community is silent! Perhaps it is just too uncomfortable or maybe unpatriotic if you think that way...

    I think I've posted enough on this subject over the last month - you can make your own mind up, presuming that is a facility which you can still control!
  21. ....and follow the evidence. Chris Bollyn has done just that.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  22. Seems a real interesting bloke. Is he the real McCoy?

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  23. nintchdbpict000331424528.jpg Whilst in no way do I intend any disrespect to the dead, injured and displaced Londoners involved in this morning's horrific events, it is a reminder that despite ten hours of uncontrolled fires, the structure of the tower block remains intact and has not collapsed - unlike the WTC buildings being discussed in this thread.

    It's also a reminder what can happen when concerns over public safety are ignored..

  24. markjohconley

    markjohconley Well-Known Member

    g'day bill
    a conspiracy theory just like wmd in iraq

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