< Podiatric Biomechanics Megalab | Bar Biomechanics day, 4th December >

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    Hey all

    On 28th May 2011 the Dorset Branch of the SCP, and myself, will be holding a biomechanics study day in poole, in Dorset.

    The afternoon will be my usual rambling lecturing, probably on the topic of paediatrics.

    The morning however will be a debate. Think, Pod Arena, the live show and you'll hopefully be pretty warm.

    The format will be this. A small number of companies will be invited to promote their orthotic solutions.

    I would ideally like (to get a nice spread)

    One person representing a traditional "lab" (vacuum moulding), POP or foam casting.
    One person representing a lab which uses in clinic laser scanning and CAD CAM
    One person representing a "direct moulding" solution (insoles moulded directly to feet)
    At least one person representing a range of pre fab orthoses.
    Anyone with any other type of orthotic solutions.

    Each rep will be given 20 minutes (strictly limited) to present their wares as "The best solution for private practice". We will then break for tea during which anyone, delegates or reps, may hand me questions on postcards for one or more of the reps, anonymously or otherwise. After tea I shall be chairing what should be a lively debate, based on the questions.:boxing:

    We'll take a quick poll of what peoples first and second choice is for systems and we'll see if the choices have changed after the event. I'll post a run down of the debate on here afterward.

    So, anyone who wants a chance to represent their product, get in touch with me by email rissacs@nhs.net And register your interest on this thread. The places will be limited to 4 or 5 reps and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

    Anyone interested in attending should contact the Bournmouth branch on karen.reed4@ntlworld.com . The cost is yet to be confirmed but will probably be around the £50 - £70 mark for SCP members (or will it be SPC members by then?:rolleyes:).

    Should be a fun morning!
  2. Phil Wells Active Member


    I don't think there is best solution but I am sure there are plenty of people who will 'preach' that they are the bee's knees!
    If you are happy not having a sales person, then I would like to represent either CAD or OTC insoles - preferably OTC as I feel I can be more 'lively' and challenging on this subject.

  3. First up, We have Canonbury, representing the "vasyli" and "orthoheel" range.

    Yeah, I know they are all just "tools" and the right tool is more accurate than the best tool. But we have to have a debate.

    Consider if you prefer, the idea of "if you could only have 2 systems in your clinic, which would you have.

    Love to have you there Phil, If you can represent for a system / company. That system with the selection of shells, caliper and such (library type system) which Allana showed me at the Devon SCP study day was VERY interesting! Would you be willing to demo that for us?

  4. Kerrie Active Member

    You know about me and CAD CAM, will email our company :)
  5. Phil Wells Active Member


    I will happily represent Salts Techstep's Performer Kit as I designed it originally.

    See you then.

  6. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Show Off!;)
  7. Its a bloody good System! I was hoping you'd say that Phil. Drop Karen an email, she's in charge of the logistics!

    Thats one classic pre fab range, one innovative library system (is that an appropriate way to describe it?) and a provisional for a cad cam lab. Shaping up really rather nicely!!
  8. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Got me a kit already. Admittedly I haven't used it much due to other factors but even to use as template provider for giving orthosis dimensions, it is incredibly helpful.

    Great product and I guess the proof of that will be sorted out at the debate

    Good luck folks
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  9. pgcarter Well-Known Member

    What about an advocate for doing it yourself? or is that now considered Jurassic thinking?
    regards Phill Carter
  10. Late Cretaceous at worst. Still my weapon of choice. Thing is, most people have either lost that skill or never had it. "lab guys" (and girls) are a dying breed, so Its not really something I could promote to anyone else!
  11. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi Robert

    Sounds like being a good day.

    Would it therefore be interesting to have some anonymous feed back questionnaire that indicates whether attendees have felt more motivated to increase their orthotic supply and / or if they will now utilise prefabs etc more than they did, eg - temporarily.
  12. Kerrie Active Member

    GIRL POWER!!!! :D;)
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our panel

    In no Particular order

    For the traditional pre fabs, Canonbury and the vasyli Range (representative TBC)

    For a Library system, Phil wells and the Salts Techstep's Performer Kit

    For CAD CAM custom Orthoses, Philip Rees and Langer

    For traditional Foam and POP Custom orthoses, Martin J Mc Geough and Firefly

    Should be great fun! These are some very expert and experienced people!
  14. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Knowing Phil Wells and Rees as good, experience and very knowledgeable folk you are in for a good and interesting time. Don't know the others I'm afraid
  15. Griff Moderator

    I know Martin from Firefly, and he is an incredibly knowledgable chap (and a thoroughly nice one too). Sounds like quite a line up Rob - nice work.
  16. Jose Antonio Teatino Well-Known Member

    Forum Dear Colleagues:
    IMHO, would be to stop giving credit to companies that intend to use a vacuum created by lack of preparation and unwillingness to "wet" in making thousands of Podiatrists templates.
    Templates must be customized, full after a preliminary examination, using accurate molds.
    My proposal is that those willing to work in this field of Podiatry, they do seriously and others do not use this field for trading purposes interested in their own benefit, not of the / as patients.
    Who knows how to make templates, to make them, and others to stop discrediting this specialty and recommend to any serious specialist environment.
    I think the romance of Podiatry understand this message.
    The opinion of others, not my interest.
    Sincerely, with my best wishes for a honest Podiatry:
    Jose Antonio Teatino.
  17. Um. Yeah. Anyone else understand this?
  19. Google translate I would guess. The romance of Podiatry is not somthing I generally consider.

    I THINK the post means we should be doing proper casts from accurate moulds ourselves, not using pre fabs.
  20. murphycat Member

    Anything up northwest!
  21. Eh?!...
  22. murphycat Member

    all the best training is down south oor arr oor arr. why nothing in bury!
  23. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness...

    If you want a training day, then make one happen. I'd come to manchester (be nice to see she wot twirls anyway).
  24. I've heard that there is quite a big meeting in Manchester in June 2011.

    Similarly, I'll come if you invite me. Rob and I do a good Morecombe and Wise.

    Don't talk to me about sophistication, I've been to St. Helens.

    Rob, we could always do a seaside special Megalab from Blackpool?
  25. BTW, not everyone down t'south speaks with t' Somerset "wurzel" accent, thou knows.
  26. blinda MVP

    I do!
  27. As does everyone from Sussex and eductated at Roedean, but these are the exception rather than the rule Bel, as well you know.
  28. Ah yes. I think the good people in portugal were impressed by our karoke Duet as our biomechanics. Good fun. And a great microphone system. Good acoustics in that room too.
< Podiatric Biomechanics Megalab | Bar Biomechanics day, 4th December >

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